• @Ganbat@lemmyonline.com
    15 days ago

    Gee, what could a game in a series created by a terf have to do with terfs? Scientists will ponder this for years. I mean, it’s not like J.K. Rowling owns the I.P. and makes millions of dollars per year from things like this, right?

    Edit: TL;DR

    Rowling consistently makes passive income on all Harry Potter products. Multiple sources have cited that Rowling earns anywhere between $50 million to a $100 million each year from royalties. Forbes estimated she earned $95 million in 2017 alone.

      • @Ganbat@lemmyonline.com
        15 days ago

        Where does the money flow, bud? One way or another, you’re supporting her and her transphobic views

        • @morphballganon@lemmy.world
          815 days ago

          Where does the money flow, bud?

          A lot of people. Artists, programmers, voice actors, designers etc. So what if some fraction goes to a bigot? I’m not allowing her to live rent-free in my head and control my purchases like you are.

          • @Nima@leminal.space
            514 days ago

            don’t waste your time with these weirdos. they throw around labels of transphobia for daring to disagree with anyone that doesn’t share their narrow, obsessive world views.

              • Kayn
                214 days ago

                If the lurkers don’t agree with you, does that make them trolls too?

          • @Ganbat@lemmyonline.com
            15 days ago

            What a long-winded way of telling me you want to support transphobia.

            The people you just named, ya know, other than your favorite bigot, you know how they tend to get paid? Paychecks. One and done. Generally, they don’t get royalties. They might get paid for future projects from that cash, assuming the publisher brings them back or owns them, but as far as straight cashflow goes, that money is going to two places: executives and rights owners.

            • @TheKMAP@lemmynsfw.com
              415 days ago

              Do you pay taxes? Guess you love Nazis. Pieces of shit are everywhere and it’s not possible to boycott them all. Yes, this game is a luxury. Yes, you can still be a good person if you buy it.

              Given Rowling’s existing wealth and influence I think the world is better off with the game than without it. It’s not like this marginal increase in money will allow her to create a disproportionate amount of hate she is not already doing. You are why people make fun of cancel culture. If you want allyship you should pick better battles. It’s possible to be intolerant of intolerance and still purchase this game.

              And I say this as someone who never liked Harry Potter and thought the game was average (way too easy except for the very last boss fight).

              • @Ganbat@lemmyonline.com
                -614 days ago

                Ya know what the absolute funniest thing about this is? This all started with the question of “What does transphobia have to do with Harry Potter?”

                Can’t help but notice that every answer but mine has been “nothing.” Super interesting response right there. And every response to my explanations that, yes, Rowling is a transphobe, and yes, she does profit from this, has been overwhelmingly negative. Super duper interesting I’d say.

                To summarize this thread, “Yeah, fuck transphobia, but fuck you if you remind me that it is, in fact, relevant to Harry Potter!”

                • @TheKMAP@lemmynsfw.com
                  314 days ago

                  My opinion is more nuanced than that and if you don’t see it, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it’s because you are facing a literal existential crisis because half the American government wants you dead. It’s very easy to lash out and take extreme stances when backed into a comer like this - it’s part of why I urged you to pick better battles so that you don’t alienate your allies.

                  I was pretty clear about Rowling being a piece of shit.

                  • @Ganbat@lemmyonline.com
                    14 days ago

                    I see your position, my response was more a vent about the thread in general up to this point, and people like a few users up there (who I chose not to name), who would prefer to pretend the matter doesn’t exist at all. I wouldn’t consider people like that allies. They’re closer to the group of racists who like to claim that racism doesn’t exist any more. In fact, this thread follows the description of “refuting” found in this article very well.

                    The fact is, that was my point from the beginning. It literally started with “No, Harry Potter and transphobia are not totally separate issues,” (albeit in a sarcastic manner returning the energy I was initially met with) which is a concept that immediately drew vitriol.

                    Your response seemed genuine, but also seemed to miss the point, which is why you caught my venting.

                    Edit: Right here is the absolute most out-and-out example of what I’m talking about in this thread. A comment made up strictly of easily verifiable falsehoods. An obvious, poorly-thought-out straw man argument, and users are still upvoting that despite how blatant it is. There is a genuine transphobia problem in this thread.