The picture I linked is of a buckwheat pillow. Had no idea they were a thing before today.

What about silk or bamboo pillow cases?

I’ve only ever really used cotton pillow cases and cotton stuffed pillows. I recently upgraded to a foam pillow that I’m enjoying.

        • CorrodedOP
          418 days ago

          That reminds me of the cheap weighted blanket reviews I saw where people were complaining about them leaking beads after a while. I think it was glass then though.

      217 days ago

      I’d always prefer a biodegradable and renewable material that I have to replace every few years over an artificial one that’ll be around forever in some form. Not everything needs to be made out of petroleum

        017 days ago

        Just cos something is around forever doesnt mean its bad. I mean rocks exist practically forever. If plastic didnt disrupt ur bodies chemistry then there really wouldnt be much problem letting it exist in the environment forever.