Interpret ‘hardest’ however suits you. Look forward to your answers!

  • Ephera
    1224 days ago

    Nothing matters, but neither does that fact.

    Growing up in a population with lots of spirituality, it felt like a requirement to have some higher meaning to your life. And me deciding one-by-one that I didn’t believe in the spiritual stuff, it felt like I was missing that higher meaning.

    What I didn’t realize for too long, is that if I don’t believe in the spiritual stuff, then I necessarily also don’t believe that the spiritual people have a higher meaning to their life. And that it’s not a requirement. A regular meaning or even no meaning is just as fine.

      424 days ago

      Life having no meaning or purpose can be scary. Living in an artificial bubble of pretend is scarier.

      While I’m sure there are many genuinely religious or spiritual people, the vast majority just mindlessly follow what they have been told.