• @kitnaht@lemmy.world
    26 days ago

    That’s exactly what got them elected. They took moderate stances on things. They didn’t campaign on progressive ideas at ALL. The last progressive candidate we saw was Bernie, and he was deemed too extreme.

    • No, they didn’t. Not at all. You are just re-writing history to fit your narrative.

      Obama ran on holding wall street accountable (he didn’t) and on fixing healthcare/

      Biden xeroxed Bernies entire platform. Like verbatim.

      • @kitnaht@lemmy.world
        26 days ago

        Not rewriting history, just happen to remember it with a bit more clarity than you it seems. I don’t have on rose-tinted glasses, as I criticize every politician. I don’t have a horse in this race, so I’m not blinded by confirmation bias.

        • just happen to remember it with a bit more clarity than you it seems

          No, you don’t. You are just making shit up. GO look up their platforms.