• @jwt@programming.dev
      42 months ago

      Somehow I doubt that dog story is even true, she comes across as nothing but performative. It only backfired on her this time (or maybe it didn’t, we’re probably not the target audience of her performance)

        • @jeffw@lemmy.worldOPM
          22 months ago

          Yeah, I’m not surprised. A couple people on this post suggested that might be a lie too but it seems too absurd to lie about. Trying to shift the story from “fit of rage” to “calm and calculated decision” sounds more realistic.

        • @jwt@programming.dev
          2 months ago

          I skimmed the article, I’m not reading anything about witnesses or people already knowing about it before the recent uproar. Its in the article (Not that it really matters: However the story turns out, she’s an awful person either way. It’s just I’m not sure what kind of awful person we’re dealing with here.)

          • Flying Squid
            42 months ago

            But South Dakota Democratic Senate Minority Leader Reynold Nesiba considered the disclosure more calculated than stupid. He said the story has circulated for years among lawmakers that Noem killed a dog in a “fit of anger” and that there were witnesses. He speculated that it was coming out now because Noem is being vetted as a candidate for vice president.

            “She knew that this was a political vulnerability, and she needed to put it out there, before it came up in some other venue,” he said. “Why else would she write about it?”