U.S. Army Special Operations Command, in a lengthy study, reported a wide range of “overtly sexist” comments from male soldiers, including a broad aversion to females serving in commando units. The comments, it said, are “not outliers” but represent a common sentiment that women don’t belong on special operations teams.

“The idea that women are equally as physically, mentally and emotionally capable to perform majority of jobs is quite frankly ridiculous,” said one male commenter. Others said they’d quit before serving on a team with a female, and that serving in such a situation it would create problems and jealousy among their wives.

  • Flying Squid
    1611 months ago

    Please present evidence that healthcare pay in Germany is abysmal.

    • @SwingingKoala@discuss.tchncs.de
      -411 months ago

      I assume you’re not German, and unable to perform a basic web search for news etc in German? Please confirm so that I can tell you what to search for.

      • Flying Squid
        1111 months ago

        That is not how the burden of proof works. It is not my job to prove what you say is true.

          • Flying Squid
            1011 months ago

            It’s impossible for you to show me that pay for those sorts of jobs are abysmal in Germany? I doubt that.

            • @SwingingKoala@discuss.tchncs.de
              -311 months ago

              Of course the burden of proof is with whoever disagrees with you, you never have to show any proof for your claims. If you don’t even know how to find their pay, why do you claim they are not underpaid?

              • Flying Squid
                1211 months ago

                I didn’t make the claim, you did. You said pay was abysmal. Now you’re refusing to back that up and trying to gaslight me into saying I was the one making the claim.

                • @MyFairJulia@lemmy.world
                  11 months ago


                  I’d think that you might have been aware of the current issues within the care sector because it was basically all over the news for a long time, especially in the beginning of the pandemic when the workers said that the applause didn’t pay their rent.

                  But then it would be shitty of me to judge someone who must’ve been trapped in the black forest for 2 to 3 years and still survived.

                  The pay has increased in May 2023 by 200€ per month. Additionally the care workers will receive up to 200€ per month until February 2024 as a compensation for inflation and a single inflation compansation payment of 1200€. Currently there are no strikes in sight so far, which could mean that the care workers can live off their wages or the raise came too late and they starved.

                  Here is my source: https://www.pflegen-online.de/tvoed-bis-zu-400-euro-mehr-fuer-pflegekraefte

                  One of the problems left is that there are so few care workers within the industry so they’re still paid abysmally given how many people they have to take care of per person. Unfortunately i don’t have a hard number to go with but care workers often report burnouts happening which doesn’t happen in a slow job.

              • ɠισƚԋҽϝʅσɯ
                111 months ago

                Use those budding google fu skills of yours to look up what a burden of proof is, and while youre there “how to argue in good faith”.