Do you feel you have outgrown media sources or discontinued them for other reasons?

  • Computerchairgeneral
    94 months ago

    Television. Can’t remember the last time I turned my TV on to actually watch TV. It’s mostly for streaming, but even that’s getting harder to keep up with. It just feels like there are too many services and shows to keep track of. If I sit down and watch a show then I really need to want to watch it. More and more I’ve been listening to podcasts or treating Youtube videos like podcasts. It lets me multitask in a way that sitting down and trying to watch something just doesn’t.

      34 months ago

      More and more I’ve been listening to podcasts or treating Youtube videos like podcasts. It lets me multitask in a way that sitting down and trying to watch something just doesn’t.

      How much of them do you catch as you’re multitasking? Any time I try this I’m astounded at my unwitting ability to almost entirely tune out whatever they’re talking about, defeating any point to playing the podcast outside of giving myself some background noise.

        54 months ago

        It miiiiight be an ADHD thing as the only people I’ve been known to actually retain info while doing this are all diagnosed, including me

        Or at least more commonly possible in ND brains like that

        I personally only find myself rewinding my audiobooks when either:

        1. Something weirdly worded or confusing happens. Going through discworld right now and I had to repeat a lot of Pratchetts descriptions of people, for example

        2. I need to read something in the language the book is in. IE, english Text that’s actual words that have meaning, but not numbers or acronyms or other non-sentence English, if that makes sense

        34 months ago

        Its a trainable skill. Ive got it to the point where my boss doesnt give me shit about listening to audiobooks while I work because I’m faster when I do.