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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • I assume the route calculations happen on device as they work in offline mode, but that doesn’t explain sending me the objectively slower way when it knows what the traffic is like

    Also my alternate route passes more businesses, meaning it’s not some “well advertise to him” bullshit

    I turned OFF the “prefer eco routed” setting thinking it might be that, but no dice

  • Yeah, about 2 months ago I noticed it no longer recommending a slightly alternate route on my way to work that lets me bypass a potentially 20-minute red light (bad light timing)

    If I turn and do it myself it goes “oh shit you right” and gives me an updated ETA and shows the route, but it WONT show the expected slowdown anymore and WONT even suggest the alternate route

  • Ok i get it, it’s best practice to do rushed releases without QA because users are the free testers.

    You literally used the wrong version. As I stated: the app you’re talking about clearly states it does not have a stable release for the version of nextcloud you’re running.

    They definitely had no way to know that their own app was incompatible

    They knew, and told you, right on the app page

    Idiot user who believed their newsletter "update now, hub 9 is the best thing ever

    You said it, not me. I tried being nice but that really is what happened: you fell for what the marketing team wrote and skipped basic IT steps in doing so. Now, rather than just admit you made a mistake that a LOT of people have made (including me, I’m a fucking idiot too) you are whining and doing your best to me talk gymnastics this into you being a victim of something

    How you managed to convince your IT department of anything with a knowledge that shallow and an attitude like that I’ll never know. Grow up.

  • then a bit of warning is suggested

    Which was given by the app that gets broken by the update

    Windows doesn’t tell you that upgrading to 11 will break x, y, and z that you have installed, you’re expected to go to the sites for those programs and check if they work. Same exact idea

    The same company making both apps is never a guarantee that they’ll play nice day 1, for many reasons

    I’ll repeat: learn from your mistake instead of blaming other people for your naivete. If an app is important and might break during an update of something: check the apps documentation to see if it supports said update

  • Literally just googled “nextcloud forms” and looked at their supported versions and whaddya know, it says right on that webpage that there’s no stable version for 30 yet, so safe bet would be that it wouldn’t properly work when upgrading:

    There is a supported nightly build, though, so you could probably have tried that

    It’s on you to look up what will break when you update, or to test and see what happens when you do. A major update page isn’t going to list all of the things that rely on it that break because that’s fucking unreasonable

  • I’m starting to see a pattern in those comments like “why did you wear a skirt that night? It looks like you asked for it…”

    Cute victim mentality, but gross and insanely wrong comparison

    Learn from your mistake and don’t update without testing next time, it’s 100% on whoever updates the production environment to make sure that shit isn’t broken for whatever reason before pushing it customer-side

    It’s more like you bought a random white powder from your dealer without asking what it was and are now upset you almost died

  • I wouldn’t say Morrowind is deeper than Skyrim mechanically, but it is more complex

    You’re gonna have to back that claim up cuz it’s pretty weak

    Immediately spell crafting and the entire magic system come to mind. Skyrim’s system is absolutely puddle shallow by comparison, and that’s before we get into all the other skills and abilities that got watered down, merged, or removed

    Morrowind has significantly more mechanic depth than Skyrim does in just about every mechanic the 2 share

  • Paarthunax is an immortal being, he actually can impact enough lives positively to potentially balance out to being at least neutral in the grand scheme of things

    Plus, magic and other ancient power he uses for good actually having the capability to improve life beyond the horrors he did, no irl human has that kind of capability

    I’m literally just realizing they redid this exact same story beat for Far Harbour in fallout 4 with Dima

  • Always makes me wonder what other people do to their houses to fuck them up so bad.

    They installed the carpet with the seam down the middle of the living room at my place, then said it was my fault the seam started peeling

    Same place tried to charge me for 119 plastic window slats. When I asked my old neighbor (same unit type, 1 floor up) I counted 43 total

    I sent them proof of all of this along with the bill for my security deposit and another bit of maintenance I had in writing they’d fix and never did, they suddenly decided to stop hounding me for the bill but never paid. Wasn’t enough to bother in small claims on my end, sadly

  • gamermanh@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoGames@lemmy.worldhow is final fantasy XVI
    8 days ago

    Gameplay: watered-dowm DMC + watered-down FFXIV. You’ll be spamming a base combo and using “rotations” as they pop. It can be a little more.complicated than that but even normal raid tiers in FFXIV require more thought than any fight in FFXVI

    Story: couldn’t tell ya, gameplay was so shit I sincerely regretted buying the game physically, as I was too lazy to return to the store to return it in time

  • always bemoan how difficult it is to park

    I’ve made multuple older men incredibly upset by laughing at them when they say this

    They get pissy and respond with “well you’re some skinny long haired hippie who drives an EV so what do you know?” Which, yeah, all of that is true

    But then I pull up the pictures of me 4x4ing in the rain and snow through fire smoke at work, pointing out that I drove a RAM3500 fully kitted out and lifted with a giant set of 4 110g tanks in the bed blocking anything other than my mirror and cam view, yet I only had issues parking when people didn’t know how to stay in their own lines, and that I regularly had to squeeze my truck into areas with an inch or less of clearance in order to do my fucking job on a construction site, and I never hit anything but a rock (downhill, someone left a fucking rug out on some dirt in the rain and when my truck hit it I just slid til I hit the rock, company deemed me blameless)

    They usually get flustered and change the subject p quick at that point

  • My parents both openly smoked weed in front of my from a young age. I was told that as long as I was home by curfew and didn’t come home in a cop car they were fine with me doing basically whatever cuz they knew I wasn’t a complete moron (my dad worked in the school system and knew all the ACTUAL problem children really well, they hated me because of that so I never got to be a hoodlum lol), though my nugs WERE taken from me at 15 because “you were dumb enough to let us catch you with it” which is fair but I say they were out and bumming off of me without saying so lol

    As for sex I got a quick talk about using a condom after my dad caught my GF and I doing it, but otherwise it was left mostly unsaid cuz my sex Ed wasnt trash

  • The journalist DID get the correct type of gun. The title is not written by the journalist and is the only place revolver is used.

    It’s in the subtitle, and it was produced by the news organization alongside the article. It’s part of the article as released by the journalistic news outlet, it impacts the story, and it’s embarrassing

    And the way you say, “what other basic facts have they misrepresented” makes it seem like you think this was an intentional thing to skew the stor

    Nice assumption, don’t read shit into what other people say and you won’t get it wrong. My point wasn’t that it’s purposefully wrong at all, just that it is wrong, and an insanely basic thing to get wrong. Assume incompetence before malice, you know?

    Only gun nerds will care about that detail

    Lol, completely untrue. My wife has no idea about guns and her first comment was that the gun in the thumbnail wasn’t a revolver and she chuckled. It’s a really basic fact to fuck up

    so the editor/copy person who actually wrote the headline likely did no research at all

    Exactly? If the person doing the tag line for the article couldn’t be bothered to not make a basic error fixed with a 2s web search: why should you trust that the person who wrote the article did, or was checked properly?

    The point is that the type of gun is not important

    The point is that I learned in my journalism classes that missing basic facts like this erodes trust in you as a news source, for obvious reasons. Well, obvious to people with half a brain, anyway.

    Just like if the person had said the officer was wearing a cotton shirt under his uniform when it was actually a poly-cotton blend, it’s not 100% accurate but it doesn’t change the point.

    Absolutely not the same at all. What the office wore underneath his uniform is nether relevant nor in the thumbnail next to the article title. The type of gun is both of those things

    Again, it’s a very simple concept: if the news source cannot be assed to do a basic fact check on their title when it’s blatantly false by their own thumbnail then they cannot be trusted to fact check jack shit