• @HenchmanNumber3@lemm.ee
    416 months ago

    About 90% of abortions are performed before 12 weeks, well before the fetus could even look like a post-birth baby like the one depicted in the meme. This is a common tactic of anti-choicers to depict abortion as being performed on fully formed and almost born fetuses. They try to use edge cases to argue against unrelated and more common experiences. Fetuses aren’t conscious or sentient or viable when most abortions are performed. Don’t let them get away with disingenuously conflating those concepts and milestones.

    • @Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world
      266 months ago

      They look like a tablespoon of strawberry jam.

      Source: I’ve assisted in quite a few abortions.


      …apologies if I just ruined strawberry jam for you.

      • flicker
        16 months ago

        …now I want an English muffin with some strawberry jam. But also I want to purchase, open, and put the jam on it myself without ever breaking eye contact with the jar so as to avoid accidentally injesting not jam.

      • DessertStorms
        6 months ago

        Deliberately to get people like you to derail the conversation to something that isn’t actually happening - babies being killed, to paint pro choice people as pro killing babies.

        Well done, you’ve played along perfectly (or worse, know exactly what you’re doing, either way, you’re doing the forced birthers dirty work for them). 👏

        • @Mango@lemmy.world
          -136 months ago

          No. You know what you’re doing. You’re rubbing in their faces how you think the idea of a baby getting Thanos snapped is hilarious. You want them to believe you’re evil while you’re promoting abortion rights because you’re a strawman.