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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • In hindsight…

    How it was all reported in the media, commented on… was pretty fucking gross. Especially since the kid who made the allegations admitted to lying.

    Nothing was held back on for the court of public opinion. Police statements amounted to “We found creepy dolls that only can be used for grooming…” “He had [this] because [he’s definitely that]…” Later on the same police were caught giving adult magazines from the raid to one of the kids they claimed Michael molested… several months AFTER the raid… and then bagged the magazine for fingerprints. The way everything was handled, even if generously… we could admit that Michael was a bit of a kooky freak… the way the raid, reporting on evidence gathering (and apparent manufacturing of it) and prosecution was handled, that part of it seemed straight up corrupt.

    There was always a tinge of ick about it all.

    At best, Michael was a deeply damaged person who did whatever he could to cope with the loss of his childhood and… we’ll never know what truly happened at the Ranch.

  • Take care not to make statements so inaccurate they are effectively meaningless.

    1. "US white bread" isn't a singular brand and most brands don't "contain[s] a carcinogen"…

    2. You never mentioned what the carcinogen was. Probably because it would compromise your argument that "US white bread" as a whole contains it when it does not. (It's Potassium Bromate/Bromide (it's used interchangeably online sometimes), for those wondering.)

    3. It's not limited to white bread in where it can be used. It was an additive to flour in general.

    4. A lot of the fear mongering blogs, written by 'influencers' whose research consists of 10 seconds of Googling but not verifying a single fucking thing they write about, name brands that contain potassium bromate… but actually don't. Example: Wonder bread (https://wonderbread.ca/our_products/white-bread-675g/) Chex Mix. Looking up their ingredients list shows the item in question is not used at all. https://www.chexmix.com/products/chex-mix-traditional/

    TLDR: Think before you repeat vague, meaningless shit next time.

    BTW, You should look into the horrors of Dihydrogen Monoxide.

  • Right. What’s stopping anyone from maintaining the ONE PURE SYSTEM-FREE DISTRO ™? If it’s -that- much of an issue, surely there’s enough of a userbase to justify maintaining such a distro and suite of apps? We’re running an operating system whose very foundation exists due to forks and splits… some of which went on to be extremely popular defaults. Instead we get an insufferable rant blaming millennials for everything. Literally. Author blames millennials for Firefox, Librewolf and Thunderbird apparently expediting the death of non-systemd setups.

    And then we have a spiel about Chrome… “which is a violent security violator bootstrapping itself deep into the base system”… oh lord. Yeah. Someone forgot to take his meds. We’re about one step away from someone asking him where on the Android plush doll the author touched by the Big Bad Google Man in a Trenchcoat.

    Angry old man angry that the world hasn’t remained exactly the same for his benefit alone.