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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • He used the Philips CPAP machines, developed lung cancer, and passed. He was otherwise healthy. He was never a smoker and worked in a grocery store. There were no other factors causing the cancer.

    The doctor that diagnosed the cancer said it was most probably due to the Philips CPAP machine and recommended that we contact the attorneys handling the case. We contacted the attorneys for the class action and answered a few of their questions and provided documentation. We are now part of the class action.

    It has been proven that the machines caused harm. The only thing in question is how long they knew and how much they will pay.

  • I have a close relative that was killed by the Philips CPAP Machine. The lawyers for the class action recently told us that almost a billion dollars were set aside by Philips to pay out claims. It's not enough. The people at the top need be put in prison for this. Fines and monetary compensation for the families is not enough. If they do end up in prison it would be some of the most wonderful schadenfreude if someone used the money they get from the lawsuit to hire other prisoners to torture the Philips CEO's every day they are in until they can take it no more and kill themselves.