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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2023


  • What the hell does this dumbass expect? Not only has he loosened laws gun laws in the state making crimes like this easier to commit, but he’s shown nothing but antagonism towards the black community. He gerrymandered half the black state congress house seats out of existence, he constantly uses CRT and “wokeism” as racist dog whistles, he basically tried to strip black history out of education (or whitewashed it by claiming it was actually a good thing for the victims), he recently removed a black prosecutor for “failing to do her job” (even though he has been MIA in Florida for months) and he appoints literal KKK members to positions of power in the state.

    I’m amazed he had the gall to even show up.

  • Look, we had the report, ok? It was complete and it was an amazing report, a perfect report, it was just so good. Some say it was the best report they ever saw. My lawyers said, Donald, how did you come up with this, are you a lawyer? Because it was just so perfect. If only they knew! I’m better than any lawyer! And then Obama, this guy… where was he even born? Who is this guy? He sends his vicious dogs after me, they almost got me, these thugs, these evil dogs… and they ate my report. He was so jealous of my report! Look, believe me, ok, I’ll rewrite the report. It will be even better. The best. Believe me.

  • The five plaintiffs suing Capito allege that being doxxed as Patriot Front supporters created a cascade of emotional and financial damages. Plaintiff “Gancarz was a civil engineer, earning approximately $107,000 a year,” its says. “He lost that job as result of Capito’s actions.” Plaintiff Turetchi “was discharged from the real estate brokerage where he was employed as a real estate agent and was unable to associate with any other brokerage,” the suit says, “thus preventing him from continuing to pursue his real estate career.”

    Plaintiff Brown not only lost a $50,000 a year gig as an electrician’s assistant, he also “became estranged from his father, who required him to leave the Brown residence,” the suit records. “Brown thus found himself without a home and without a job” and is still having “difficulties finding employment.”

    Do these people ever just stop for a moment and ask themselves why people react with such disgust when their views are exposed? Do they really not get how abhorrent their “philosophy” is to the majority of people? Anyhow, glad they got bitch slapped by society. These guys are straight up terrorists.