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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • An interview is just a test.

    Whenever I speak with students/new grads about interviewing I actually specifically advise them that an interview is not a test. Yes, you need to have a certain level of base skills, but beyond that, an interview is much more like a date than a test. I say this because you can do everything right and still be rejected. It doesn't mean that you did anything wrong or there's anything with wrong with you, but rather there just wasn't a match between you and the company you were interviewing with at that point in time. There are so many factors entirely outside of your control that determine if you're given an offer or are rejected to the point that I find it really tough to consider it a "test" in the academic sense where you need to score a certain value to pass or fail it.

    Likewise, it's incredibly common for students/new grads to focus heavily on the technical skills while completely ignoring the soft skills. The best thing you can do in an interview is make the interviewer like you and want to work with you. It's amazing how many people will overlook subpar technical skills either consciously or subconsciously if they feel comfortable with you (the amount of borderline incompetent people I've seen hired that are otherwise smooth talkers is astounding). It seems like the author of the linked to article here might be falling into that trap too. He writes about his technical experience heavily but does not touch on the soft skills at all, even questioning at one point that he may simply be bad at interviewing which is a strong sign to me that he's not presenting himself well in the interview.

    This is something that transcends software engineering. If you're a sociable and likeable person you'll go far further in life than the person that is quietly a genius but doesn't work well with others. I wish more people folks in this industry would focus on that side of the coin instead of simply saying "grind Leetcode more to get more offers."

  • If you're not overweight and simply want to become more athletic I personally think the most important thing to do is to find an activity you enjoy. That's something you have to discover for yourself.

    For example, I can't stand working out for the sake of working out at a gym. But I do get really motivated by climbing, hiking, trail running, and skiing. Climbing builds strength and has a certain level of problem solving involved too so it's mentally stimulating. Hiking and trail running are excellent cardio and have clearly defined goals to reach a certain summit or some endpoint. And skiing is just a blast in all forms. All of that keeps me active and having fun while I'm doing it. That makes me want to do it more which allows me to set bigger objectives and then it builds on itself.

  • Your question seems to be confusing between browser and search engine. These are two separate pieces of software.

    But to answer both:

    • Browser: Firefox. Google has demonstrated clearly that they cannot be trusted as the sole owner of the web which is what is about to happen as Chromium (which Brave is based on) fully takes over. Mozilla (makers of Firefox) is the last holdout. If you care, this is case in point about how Google having a monopoly on browsers will kill the free web: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Environment_Integrity.
    • Search engine: Another +1 for Kagi. It has completely replaced Google for me.

  • I'll be honest with you: I have better things to do with my time than debunk the same old re-hashed covid vaccine bullshit. It's been almost three years since the vaccines were given to billions of people. If the clinical trials did truly miss awful side effects or there was something else wrong with them we'd know by now. It's all bullshit and always has been. I'm done wasting my time debunking something that obviously has no credibility.

    There's no mass conspiracy about any of this stuff. If you want to get to the root of it just follow the money. Who profits from you and other people clicking on and reading these outlandish articles that promise to shed light on some massive conspiracy that the whole world is otherwise missing? The people that run the websites. They collect their ad revenue by peddling bullshit. If you're not paying for something, you are the product, not the customer.

  • Also assuming you're not just a troll with this comment…

    You're posting links to this website "vigilantnews.com". Have you looked into who is behind it? According to their about section, it's made up two people. One simply called "The Vigilant Fox" and another named Dallas Ludlum. (https://vigilantnews.com/about)

    The latter, Dallas, runs a blog dressed up as a newspaper with clearly a hard right take on politics here: https://conservativecompass.substack.com. He's also quite active on Quora for giving job seeking and career advice: https://www.quora.com/profile/Dallas-Ludlum.

    More interestingly, from a reverse image search, this person's headshot also shows up on an eastern European photographer's website here: https://sebastianszulfer.com/en/services/headshots-portraits/. Yet Dallas claims to be on the east coast of the US on his Twitter account. Traveling to Europe just for a photo is quite the trek.

    At best, the sources you're listing are simply one or maybe two person's opinions dressed up as a newspaper in order to generate pageviews and thus ad revenue. At worst, between the anonymous "Vigilant Fox" persona and the fake headshot profile photos, it's likely this is part of a larger fake information dissemination campaign.

    Is that "challenging the narrative" enough for you?