Fixed by using grub.

Error when trying to boot into new install. ERROR: device ' ' not found. Skipping fsck. :: mounting ' ' on real root mount : /new_root: no valid filesystem type specified. ERROR: Failed to mount ' ' on real root And I’m getting dropped in emergency shell. I used official wiki, used refind as bootloader. Second time I tried installing and got same error.
Edit1: fstab
UUID=4dae009f-c08f-4636-b1b5-85a4713a6f40 / ext4 rw,relatime 0 1

UUID=0019-78B6 /boot vfat rw,relatime, fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=ascii,shortname=mixed,utf8,errors=remount-ro 0 2 `
p2 is root partition
p1 is efi partition.

Edit2: running timedatectl in chroot returns System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate. Failed to connect to bus: Host is down

    67 months ago

    Refind does not generate the proper Configs when ran from the live image. From the wiki

    Warning: When refind-install is run in chroot (e.g. in live system when installing Arch Linux) /boot/refind_linux.conf is populated with kernel options from the live system not the one on which it is installed. Edit /boot/refind_linux.conf and make sure the kernel parameters in it are correct for your system, otherwise you could get a kernel panic on your next boot. See #refind_linux.conf for an example file.

    This is how my /boot/refind_linux.conf looks like:

    "Boot with standard options"  "rw root=/dev/nvme1n1p2"
    "Boot to single-user mode"    "rw root=/dev/nvme1n1p2 single"
    "Boot with minimal options"   "ro root=/dev/nvme1n1p2"
        7 months ago

        Have you mounted /boot? Usually it's in a different partition so you'll need to mount it.

        Edit: yup, your boot is in a different partition according to your fstab

            7 months ago

            Every time I made this mistake I booted again the live iso, mounted the boot drive and edit it.

            Edit: you can also just edit the entry on refind directly to boot once on a correct config, and then fix it inside your actual system. The error is that the root filesystem will have an uuid that relates to the live iso image, not to your actual system.

                7 months ago

                Ok, if I understood correctly your fstab what you should do is:

                1. Boot the live iso
                2. Run mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt
                3. run nano /mnt/refind_linux.conf
                4. Alter the file so it says this:
                "Boot with standard options"  "rw root=/dev/nvme0n1p2"
                "Boot to single-user mode"    "rw root=/dev/nvme0n1p2 single"
                "Boot with minimal options"   "ro root=/dev/nvme0n1p2"
                1. Save and close
                2. Unmount the drive umount /mnt
                3. Reboot

                That should work

                Edit: noticed my disk was 1 while yours is 0, didn't remembered I had two ssds on that machine hahahah

                Edit2: check that the file exists in /mnt, it should if you ran refind-install the first time.

        17 months ago

        His fstab says rw, and the example I sent for refind config also has rw on the first option. You can definitely boot systemd on ro, I've done that in the past when I had some issue (can't remember what exactly). The error he's having happens because when you generate the refind config inside the arch live image it adds the UUID of the root of the live iso to the boot parameters, so when it tries to boot from there it can't find the drive with that UUID, ergo the message with an empty string where it should have the drive. The solution is to simply change that to the name of the drive where you have your root. I do that almost every time I install arch because I always forget about this quirk from refind.

  • foo
    7 months ago

    You'll need to post more info about your bootloader/fstab config. The error ERROR: device ' ' not found implies there's something set to an empty string.

      • foo
        47 months ago

        I use Grub for my bootloader so I'm probably not the best person to ask for rEFind problems, but a good place to start for everything Arch related is the wiki. The page for rEFInd has a configuration section that outlines where the config files are and how to read them. Check that everything there matches what you expect it to be:

        If you've verified that your bootloader config is correct and it's installed on the drive you're booting from correctly another config to check is /etc/fstab to ensure you have a root device set in there too. The wiki is your friend here too:

      • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
        27 months ago

        Like foo said, sounds like a bad fstab. Post your fstab here.

        Also, pro-tip: Keep a bootable live distro like linux mint on a usb drive for situations like this, so you can easily mount the drive, chroot, and do whatever maintenance you need if you get to an unbootable state.

  • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
    17 months ago

    Also come on guys, let's prove that the Arch community isn't all full of assholes, let's help this dickhead sort their stupid ass issue.


    17 months ago

    Check your /etc/fstab file to make sure your root partition is correctly specified, then rerun your bootloader install.

  • yianiris
    -17 months ago


    1 Did you boot the live medium with bios or efi?

    2 Do you have libnvme and nvme-cli installed? If no, try them, if yes look up things on the manuals. It may be that your bootloader can't read/mount from the nvme

    3 Ever since systemd-boot appeared things have been not working so well, now, have they?