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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • They went to a rally where Trump told them Congress was full of traitors and to storm the building to make sure they didn’t remove him from office. That crowd knew exactly what they were doing. The only reason they get the benefit of ac doubt from you or anyone is because our society has taught us that those who are considered white can largely do whatever they like… especially if it involves violence. That’s all it is. That’s the benefit of white privilege at its peak: that a bunch of white people and their little cronies are even allowed to overturn the results of an election using violence and face minimal consequences.

    The only thing they did wrong was they were unsuccessful. Had they succeeded everyone would be praising them like they were liberators. 🙄

  • Except that they were all yelling fire. Oh wait! They were all yelling “kill all the congress critters” and “all hail Emperor Trump”. I’d say that makes the lot of them anything but innocent or stupid people caught up in something they didn’t understand.

    For contrast, if a few hundred African Americans with guns stormed the US capital for any reason at all, most would have been shot and the remainder would be facing life imprisonment. It’s only the fact the most were white or white oriented that has protected any of the coup members from facing the legitimate consequences of their actions. And the same forces will eventually allow them to prevail and ensure the US becomes a theocratic ethnostate. Or at least more of one than it already is.