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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • It’s because it counts as an aircraft. Getting licenced to use your drone for anything more than “wooo, flyin mah drone” covers a lot of the same stuff a private pilot would know like reading the maps, airport landing procedure, and airspace. They treat it like an actual airplane. And you can’t just start blasting at airplanes because they flew over your house. If it’s doing more than just flying over it has to be addressed legally.

  • I know you are just being silly, but to answer your question, the point of those groups (ducks unlimited, pheasants forever, whitetail whenever, turkeys tomorrow, raccoons all noons, etc) is to put money into conservation of those animals so that their populations stay great enough that they can be hunted.

    So yes, the goal is for the ducks to be unlimited.

  • Falconry can involve tons of different skills. Mews (aviary) and giant hood (travel box) can use carpentry. Hoods/other gear -> leather working. Bells -> metallurgy. Perches -> metalwork and woodturning. Drone / kite flying maybe depending on bird. One guy makes his own telemetry. Lots of designing for the many little things needed. Almost everything needed is handcrafted or repurposed from something. I use 3d printing for my giant hoods, whistles, and anklet templates. Also like, animal training and hunting stuff for the raptor.

    But falconry is not a casual activity, it’s truly a lifestyle. Because of that, there are a lot of falconer couples, or, divorced falconers. So uh, make sure your partner is really into it before going in deep.

  • I think you are focusing way too hard on tricking being negative, when it doesn’t have to be. Example:

    “Pick up these toys” - direct, boring, likely to be ignored.

    “Can you dance the whole time you are putting toys away?” - fun, presents a challenge to overcome, at least maybe burning some energy.

    The second one could be considered a trick, but it’s not dismissive or mean and it teaches that chores can be made fun.

  • they show up and they only have half the money you agreed upon as a shitty form of haggling.

    Someone did that to me and I was so mad I was going to just leave. Surprise, they had the extra money the whole time! Actual garbage people who do that. I’d rather throw the thing away than get hustled like that.