I’m trippin lol.

  • 0 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 1st, 2023


  • Sucks and truly am sorry. I’ve been permanently banned 9 times. (Changed devices alot upgraded them alot)

    I learned, that if you want to keep your reddit account you don’t socialize on there, give advice or opinions either.

    You just have to go back to lurking and block every single person who’s an argument staRter even if they aren’t directly talking to you. Block them so they can’t see your shit. They don’t need to bc they’ll pick at it.

    You were too involved. That’s what happened .

    Get a second hand device from a Pawn shop if it means this much to you, make an another account not linking to your phone and use it to lurk only.

    You can comment but think before you do I wouldn’t recommend posting at all but that’s up to your discretion I guess. I wouldn’t posting just leaves you open to mass reporters who hate or don’t agree with the sentiment in your post.

    Just don’t in my opinion posting makes you a target

  • Why don’t you just talk shit to them though ? That’s what I don’t get about y’all.

    Man, sometimes on the fediverse, not lemmy like on mastodon type instance, I’ll see some vile shit being said by ppl who clearly fucking hate whoever it is they’re vocally hating.

    I just call them out in a visceral way. I tell them that they are just a little bitch. And to go say what they are saying to X group while recording it in public and to post it afterwards.

    I then tell them I know they won’t because they are nothing but an ignorant pussy talking shit online and know they’ll get their ass whipped for saying that shit to someone’s face for real.

    Because it’s true. They’re only saying shit like that online because they know they’re safe from confrontation.


    I see that shit. And I keep fucking going until they eventually stop fucking posting.

    I will not let up. You wanna talk like that? Then imma fuck u up lol

    Basically, y’all need to do that. You wanna be unpleasant? Then that’s what u get. You are teaching them that if they continue to talk that way online, they’ll have nothing but ppl going after them and they won’t do it anymore because people are dog piling them.

    The defederate banning whatever y’all do just to me comes off that y’all are to afraid of them or something. If they’re being openly racist you should openly run them off by calling them out for what they are.

    But really what this all really is

    Is a fake ‘solution’ to get rid of literally every one who just disagrees with your politics. That’s the truth. You call everyone a racist if they say anything that doesn’t agree with leftists that’s all.

    Someone could say “I like trump” and boom that’s all it takes. Or “I’m pro life” boom again

    Yall are dishonest it shows to everyone who isn’t a fool