🔔 Monthly Science Summary Brief overview of major studies - stay up-to-date
🔭 Sources & Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_in_science
🔔 Monthly Science Summary Brief overview of major studies - stay up-to-date
🔭 Sources & Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_in_science
Oh, I certainly don't mean to throw any shade on you, I was personally interested in this particular article and very wary when I saw their claim so I looked into it for a time after reading that initial popular article, but the vagueness of the research and the specific number sounded way too fishy,
It looks like all of your tiles are confirmed science in one way or the other, and after my interest in this article I remembered it was not as solidly scientific or comprehensively significant as the other subjects you post.