The Florida congressman, however, told NBC News that his only political goal at the moment is getting Donald Trump elected president in 2024.

      5810 months ago

      He's my Congressman, so I've been following along.

      Not enough, or really any, evidence was the issue. They couldn't summon any witnesses either. The guy he was tied up with, forgot his name, was expected to flip on Gaetz once convicted. He didn't.

      The young girl involved wasn't willing to testify either. Prosecution didn't really want her anyway since she has started an OnlyFans page and they felt that would hurt her credibility.

      And that's that. It sucks, but he's free and clear unless something changes.

        1210 months ago

        Shouldn't publicly venmoing a pimp w/ the comment naming a 17 year olds sex worker and that sex worker receiving payment from said pimp minutes later be all the evidence they need?

        If our system was fair, prosecutors would do everything in their power to highlight this strong evidence, even if they believe a jury might acquit on technicalities. Because even when politician criminals are aqcuitted, they still have to answer to the public. Pretending a technicality stops a DA from going forward is our criminals justice system being complicit when it's the wealthy doing the crimes.

          10 months ago

          You say that's what happened? Then that does indeed sound like solid evidence! Yet professional lawyers/prosecutors couldn't find what you've found? Or at least not enough to bring him to trial?

          Flip it over, pretend you believe the election was stolen from Trump. Yet in 60-some cases, only one was advanced, all for lack of evidence? Yet you have more evidence than a former President of the US can summon? See how silly that sounds?

          Maybe a weak analogy?

            210 months ago

            Either you believe the reporting on the public venmos or you don't. But don't pretend like this is similar to Trumps fairly transparent lies about election fraud where he can't even name the fraud.

            Look, our media is broken and Trump is exploiting the need for coverage to spread his lies. It's ignorant to think Republican voters aren't in on it as well.

            And if you believe the rich in this country get treated just as harshly as the poor, I doubt I can convince you otherwise.

  • SpaceBar
    4010 months ago

    If he's elected Governor then Florida deserves everything it will get more of - mediocre school system, insane insurance market, and poor Healthcare options.

    He's not a solutions guy. He's a loudmouth headline guy. He's DeSantis on stupider pills.

  • Flying Squid
    3910 months ago

    You wouldn't think someone as unlikeable as Gaetz would be elected governor of Florida, but then you wouldn't think someone as unlikeable as DeSantis would be elected governor of Florida.

    3310 months ago

    I'm sure he'd be very welcome as Floridas Governor. He's a slimy, sleazy, lieing, raping, sex trafficking piece of human garbage so he'll fit right in. Oh! And he worships the cult of Trump which is strong among the morons who move to Florida.

      210 months ago

      With the current situation in Florida, I'd say Gaetz has a pretty good shot at winning, unfortunately.

    10 months ago

    Which rapist is he? I can't keep them straight (neither can they SNAP!). He the mouth breather who adopted the pool boi?

    710 months ago

    I feel like Florida is going to be a political wasteland for the foreseeable future, but if it's Gaetz vs. someone like Nikki Fried, and not a boring fossil like Crist, then maybe they have a shot. I think that would be a close election. It's one thing to win a small, very red Congressional seat and other thing to go for statewide office with all the skeletons he has in his closet.