Suddenly a website popped up on chrome tried to close it & there was a pop-up closed it again; then my firefox browser was refreshed & a NEW “hibro.txt” file was created on the desktop. Opened the txt file and they were addressing me & talking about how good of a gamer I am…

SO can you please explain HOW WAS the .txt file created by the hacker & HOW THE HELL did they know I’m a player of xyz game?? COULD THEY HAVE ACCESS of my files, folders and family pictures too? PLEASE HELP and KINDLY CLARIFY MY DOUBTS!

  • Fazoo
    10 months ago

    Real answer? Shut your PC down, pull the hard drive, and use a dock to pull your personal data to another PC. Only files you are 100% certain are clean. No apps or scripts.

    Then wipe the machine without using an internet connection. Change all your passwords and reconfigure your home network. Then reflect on what you did in regards to risky online behavior and be more proactive in protecting your privacy and data.

    If real, how they did it is irrelevant if you don't have forensic know-how. You need to now be proactive in preventing any further interference. If they can create a file on your desktop, they have access to the system and what is on it.

    10 months ago

    So, before you listen to anyone or do anything stupid. They/he/she basically have remote access to your computer and and any random Antimalware software is probaly not gonna help you in this case, depending on how the attacker got access to your computer, use your phone to read and follow the steps I write down and yes he could probaly have access to all your files on your device. So do the following things:

    1. Cut off your pc's internet connection

    2. Backup everything importmant to a USB Stick or any other portable medium

    3. Change all your passwords for ur accounts via another device and enable 2FA if possible

    4. Reset your entire system

    5. Move everything back on ur PC from ur portable Medium

    6. Inform yourself abt security practices to prevent this stuff from happening again

    Alternative solution is to get someone IRL to help u with that, someone who knows abt this stuff and can check ur pc irl.

    • ellipse
      110 months ago

      Change your passwords AFTER reseting your PC. Otherwise the hacker could gain access to your new passwords.

  • Uranium 🟩
    210 months ago

    Tbh the advice provided is already pretty accurate, as to how; there's a non zero chance that a friend may have sent you a RAT (remote admin tool/remote access Trojan), these are basically the best back door to someone's computer you can have, normally you want to have physical access to someone's computer to install them or have a user run it with elevated privileges, (there are other ways as well, such as spoofing a jpg, other methods of remote code execution). These tools will allow you to access there computer, files, keylog, steal passwords, send popups, open and close the disk tray plus basically anything else you could do with access to the computer.

    Basically follow other people's advice in regards to undoing this.

    • darq
      110 months ago

      Was going to say, this sounds more like a prank from a friend who had access to the machine, than an actual hack. A malicious hacker isn't going to drop a "hibro.txt" on your desktop to mess with you. They aren't going to be interactively watching your session at all. They're going to silently keylog you for financial or identity details, or they're going to install ransomware.