Whether it’s a form of note-taking or regular repetition or the like, what are some self-education techniques and tools you’ve developed to help yourself learn on your own?

It’s always interesting imo to read about how some folks teach themselves different stuff.

  • @sbo@lemmy.world
    210 months ago

    For straight memorising, I used to rewrite by hand the text. I took a long time, but I was stuck in my head since I had to “think” every word as I wrote it. Then usually I didn’t even had to read it again. But that was in high school, so probably it wouldn’t work that well now

  • @atlasraven31@lemm.ee
    110 months ago

    Getting good sleep helps a lot. That’s how you store what you learned. I found trying to explain the subject matter to someone else, real, imaginary, or rubber duck, helped me figure out what I didn’t know.

  • originalucifer
    18 months ago

    dig deep hole, jump in.

    i like to surround myself in a project with stuff i do not understand and a defined goal, and learn my way out of the hole into a functional state (product).

    learn by doin i spose