The verdict undermines their claims that the U.S. Department of Justice has been “weaponized” against Donald Trump and his supporters.

Several prominent Republicans said they were not impressed by the guilty verdict against President Joe Biden’s son on Tuesday, complaining that the government should have busted him for worse crimes.

A Delaware jury found Hunter Biden, 54, guilty on three counts related to a gun purchase in 2018 when he was addicted to crack cocaine. Hunter Biden’s crimes carry a prison sentence of up to 25 years.

“This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine,” Karoline Leavitt, a spokesperson for Donald Trump’s Republican presidential campaign, said in reaction to the verdict.

    17612 days ago

    You can’t win with these people because Democrats are “the enemy”. They don’t want to compromise they want to rule.

    13012 days ago

    “This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine."

    Wait wait wait… Didn’t the trump kids secure 2.something billion from the Saudi government?

      5612 days ago

      Yes, which is exactly why Republicans are making those crazy claims.

      When the Saudi deals resurface in the public spotlight Republicans will point to those baseless claims and say “How is what the Trump kids doing any worse than this!?!?!?” and their followers will accept it at face value and say “See both sides are doing it, it’s bad but no worse than what the other guy is doing”

        11 days ago

        Another tried and true republican tactic.

        Accuse the other side of imaginary crimes, so when their real crimes come out they can go “Oh this is just evil democrat retribution! Obviously its not real/bad/etc!”

    • The Saudis are not China nor Russia nor Ukraine. They are ultra-cool chads who we love because of their traditional family values and based fossil fuel empire.

      The Ukrainians are woke, soy, and gay, so you’re not supposed to make money from them. The Russians are Evil Communists who want to Destroy America (except when they’re chads we love because they’re Trad Orthodox Christian or based fossil fuel guys). And the Chinese are China, which is the worst of the lot.

      This is all very obvious to a person who knows things. If you don’t know these things, you’re probably also woke and gay.

      5111 days ago

      Lol their worst accusations are over tens of millions of dollars?

      Tens of millions of dollars they can’t even prove exists. And they literally tried for 3 years. Hearing after hearing, tens of thousands of documents, and they came up with nothing.

      But the sad thing is, they’ve successfully conditioned about 30-40% of the voting base to just believe whatever they said without question and dismiss anything that contradicts their statement as “fake news” from the “deep state”.

      11 days ago

      Also forced through a security clearance for Jared when literally EVERYONE said he is compromised and a motherfucking security risk. But then again so is trump and republicans worship the fat lazy useless narcissistic child rapist.

      11 days ago

      Jared Kushner’s technically his son*-in-law*.

      Nevertheless, Jared got rich because he was smart and cool and good at deals. Hunter got rich because he was dumb and lame and a lazy piece of shit. Its totally different, because Kushner codes as “rich” and Biden codes as “poor”.

      5311 days ago

      Of course they are. What they wanted wasn’t what they got though. What they wanted was for hunter to walk. Since that didn’t happen they have no position to whine about it and of course they are whining about that.

        1111 days ago

        Reminds me of my zealously religious family members, they can take any argument and twist it into supporting their beliefs.

        211 days ago

        But he’ll do it on the way out, I’m sure. Hunter has served his purpose as being a showpiece for the belligerent right, albeit not as good as they hoped, and someone’s kept the email traffic where they strategized about this as a distraction.

        I hope Hunter is safe in the Fed clink, and I hope if he’s still got a substance issue that it gets resolved.

  • MedicsOfAnarchy
    7111 days ago

    I’m such an underachiever. Here is “Sleepy Joe Biden”, a doddering fool who even tries to sit where there is no chair, yet who also is the criminal mastermind behind an entire crime family and who easily controls all government and media for his own diabolical schemes. I mean, pick a lane, Republicans!

    • wanderer
      11 days ago

      Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as “at the same time too strong and too weak”. On the one hand, fascists play up the power of certain disfavored elites to encourage in their followers a sense of grievance and humiliation. On the other hand, fascist leaders point to the decadence of those elites as proof of their ultimate feebleness in the face of an overwhelming popular will.

      It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.

      1811 days ago

      They don’t need to pick a lane, their base eats it up either way. My entire life Republicans have said immigrants are both lazy welfare leaches and simultaneously stealing all the jobs.

        411 days ago

        both lazy welfare leaches and simultaneously stealing all the jobs

        They’re half right, and I wanna talk about that.

        I’ve worked with a lot of Romanian kids in I.T, and these people are the most effective, skillful, professional and happy I.T people I’ve seen. I’m none of those things, some days.

        They’re stealing jobs by being so fucking heroic, and I know I can’t compete.

        They represent super well. That’s all I gotta say. Hire more Romanian kids for I.T, and I’ll be down at the bread line, because der takin meh jerb.

          110 days ago

          Where do you get Romanians in IT?

          Also, I’d like it if we all adopted the process of CAPITALIZING OUR SURNAMES in email signatures.

          I’ve only ever seen Romanians do it, but it’s genius.

      1711 days ago

      They do that with everything. Haha look at these soyboy vegan leftist who can’t even lift a GUN. Watch out for these scary leftists, they are dangerous.

    6612 days ago

    I thought the Right To Bear Arms was NOT to be Infringed? I’m SURE Republicans will be Angry soon enough that Hunter Biden’s Right To Bear Arms was Infringed on! Or does Hunter Biden need to murder a classroom full of Kindergarteners before Republicans come to his 2A Defense?

      5112 days ago

      Applicability of the 2nd amendment is highly selective. All it took for Reagan to push through gun control in California was the Black Panthers arming themselves.

        12 days ago

        The republicans and Democrats were all basically pro gun control until about the late 2000s, and particularly so in the 80s and 90s.To give you a prominent example, Texas was a “may issue” state in 1995. That means that you had to have a permit to carry, and the state didn’t have to give you one and could refuse you for no reason at all. Practically speaking, only cops and security got issued permits. Even Puerto Rico has more lax gun control than Texas did 30 years ago, and even a few years ago at their peak, they were may issue and you needed a reason to request one, marginally worse than Texas in 1995.

        Now gun control is dead in America, but not because politicians saw the error in their ways. To remain relevant they have to pander, and america by and large abandoned gun control.

    3312 days ago

    Poor guy is a victim of dimwitted mob stupidity. Imagine it was you suffering for your father’s career. Republicans are absolute shit humans. The whole lot of them are criminal trash.

    • Admiral Patrick
      11 days ago

      Poor guy is a victim of dimwitted mob stupidity. Imagine it was you suffering for your father’s career.

      Christo fascists comparing Trump to Jesus are missing the even stronger parallel with Hunter. 😆

  • SuiXi3D
    2212 days ago

    Of course they do. It totally kills the ‘weaponized DOJ’ narrative.

  • Also, this is a high profile case for making the case to more rigidly enforce the existing gun laws. That also probably upsets them as the dog who caught the tire.

      110 days ago

      I take the opposite tack: these existing gun laws are too inflexible and draconian, they’re a relic of the war on drugs and need to be done away with. The question on the form that Biden lied about was intentionally worded very vaguely. Typically this crime is an add on charge so the feds can bypass sentencing guidelines.

      Especially for a gun he only owned for 11 days. In a sane world this would be at worst a misdemeanor and a fine.

      But Democrats hate guns and Republicans hate Bidens, so here we are.

        111 days ago

        Now I’m wondering how old Trump’s kids are. I thought his kid was still in school per Melania’s comments about “needing to take my kid to school” burden she petitioned a court with

          311 days ago

          Trump Jr. is 46, Baron is 18. Trump was 59 years old when he had Baron.

          That’s a 28 year gap between the oldest and the youngest in case you didn’t want to do the math.

          Remember, Trump has 5 children from 3 different marriages (that we know about)