Currently fluent with c++, not-java, spackles of rust, stilllearning golang.

Backend amateur, who believes there’s more to life than EsEsHeching to servers.

I can spare some time to undertake moderate project (or major, we’ll see)

Share your source, even if it’s java-related, I won’t judge, pinky swear.

    • wellDuuhOP
      93 months ago

      To me, something that’s a bit out of ordinary

        23 months ago

        I mean, I can come up with dozens of ‘spicy’ ideas to keep you busy… I don’t have a budget though ;)

    133 months ago

    I started a fork of Lemmy geared toward inventory called Lemventory. I’m currently attempting to achieve dev/build tooling parity in Nix before I even touch a single line of their code. But that’s just my idiosyncratic way…anyone who actually knows rust and has their tooling ready could jump in and my Nix stuff wouldn’t get in the way.

    If you’re interested, it’ll probably be a pretty simple rewrite at first. So, you could branch my fork and explore the conversions that would need to be made to enable it if you want.

    53 months ago

    My go-to recommendation for a project is always a BigInt library. Helps you learn a lot about a language from project structure to syntax and operator overloading.

    It’s also a lot of fun!

  • aDogCalledSpot
    3 months ago

    One thing that has been stopping me from switching to Wayland is that I have a 32:9 screen and usually virtually divide into a 16:9 in the middle and then an 8:9 on each side. This works well enough on Xorg.

    I would love to see this implemented in Hyprland and I opened an issue for it a while back. The maintainer says that the workload seems too large and he is uninterested. I’ve racked up quite a few upvotes though and it seems like quite a lot of people would be interested in this.

    I’ve glanced over the code and I think it shouldn’t be extremely difficult to add a layer of indirection between workspaces and monitors as an initial PoC. Dont get me wrong, this will still take more than a week to get running which is why I sadly havent found the time to do this myself.

    If you could maybe look into it there may be possibilities to split up the work a bit. I dream of a world where you can dynamically add and remove virtual outputs and it’s all animated - very long way to go until then.

      3 months ago

      Pretty interesting use case. This could turn traditional desktops into supporting some form of tiling window management I guess?

      • aDogCalledSpot
        23 months ago

        I dont see why, tbh. This feature is only needed by users of tiling WMs with (super)ultrawide monitors. A niche in a niche. Normal floating WMs work fine with ultrawide monitors, you are constantly resizing and moving windows around anyway and simple snapping takes care of the rest. Windows 11 even lets you snap exactly into the setup described above.

        Also, there are good plugins for supporting tiling for GNOME (I know its in PopOS, not sure how to get it into the normal one) , KDE, and even Windows