My journey with Lemmy started in 2022 out of interest in the fediverse and paranoia around how much control social media companies have, and how little choice common people are left with over the Internet.

Lemmy was much smaller back then. I really wanted it go get bigger, and tried to contribute to it. But it was small enough to be unsatisfying, so I would go back and forth between lemmy and Reddit.

After the Reddit fiasco, I shifted more and more towards lemmy and less towards Reddit. I finally abandoned Reddit when third party apps broke. I only go there for specific questions in communities that aren’t active on lemmy.

What about you?

  • 𝘋𝘪𝘳𝘬
    713 months ago

    I was a long-time Reddit user but over time it felt more and more not right. June last year I decided to register here and remove my Reddit account. I do not miss anything and I actually started participating more instead of just silently reading comments and posts.

    It just feels right using Lemmy instead of Reddit. Not only there’s no corporate bullshit and dumb algorithms I can’t avoid, it’s also a much nicer community overall.

      323 months ago

      Same. This summer will be one hell of a 1 year “cake day” celebration for a big lot of us.

      Maybe we should call it something other than “cake day”.

    • folkrav
      33 months ago

      Same. I’m another one of those Reddit refugees. Haven’t logged in over there since the API changes went into action and my app of choice stopped working.

    3 months ago

    I began using Lemmy abruptly after quitting Reddit after the API fiasco of last year. With the third party apps on Lemmy like Voyager (lol), picking up the slack.

    People don’t give a shit what service or server it’s hosted on, as long as it’s free and they can continue to interact with other users, because that’s ultimately, what matters, the community.

    If you were having a party with some friends watching the Superbowl and some random corporate ass clowns came in and said: “Pack it up, we’re charging you for the privilege of talking to each other and also we’re selling your conversations on the Internet”, you’d give them a swift kick in the ass.

    The content is yours, you made it, you spent the effort, the mental energy, the loss of actual lifetime to create it, post it, and share it with the world.

    And then they want an IPO and pat themselves on the back for stealing. Get the fuck outta here, y’know?

    Lemmy rules.

      • SolidGrue
        3 months ago

        Thirded. Joined Kbin and about the time the reddit Blackout started and settled in pretty quickly. Haven’t looked back, except only to backup then nuke all my content at the old place. No regrets.

        Want it, spez? Go get it from your own backups.

  • Tier 1 Build-A-Bear 🧸
    243 months ago

    I’ve unfortunately found myself back on reddit here and there for some niche communities, and also to just not be so depressed by the news, politics, and Linux that permeates EVERY FUCKING COMMUNITY regardless of the focus of that community. We all seriously need to branch out here a bit.

    • CyclohexaneOP
      13 months ago

      What niche communities do you wish existed or were more active?

      • Tier 1 Build-A-Bear 🧸
        13 months ago

        Just some nerdy things I’m into, and also the “fun” subs, so like retro handhelds, rubik’s cubes, lightsabers, knives, stuff like that and then just the general “funny” and “meme-y” subs, I know they exist here but it’s always depressing or political or boring-dystopia-esque and I need more light hearted stuff lol

    233 months ago

    I came over the same day that the Boost app for Reddit stopped working. I guess it’s been about a year or so now. I’ve loved using Lemmy so much more than Reddit and from what I keep reading Reddit is just getting worse every day so I don’t plan on ever going back! The only real worry I have with Lemmy now is this Threads crap. If Meta/Facebook sinks their greasy claws into the Fedeverse I may have to keep looking for another home. I really hope that doesn’t happen though. I’d like to think at least one area of the web is still safe from corporate bullshit

    203 months ago

    When they killed off third-party app support, and Apollo developer exposed Reddit CEO.

    193 months ago

    I’d been grasping for literally any alternative to Reddit for months and heard about this place when they shut down third party apps. Haven’t thought about going back even once…

    183 months ago

    I never really liked Reddit. I avoided it for a long time, but finally relented and grudgingly signed up in 2011.

    I was always on the lookout for a new home, and would follow links to any place that looked promising, but none of them ever panned out - they were always too dead or too narrowly focused or too shitty or behind a paywall or something. And I’d go back to Reddit.

    Immediately after Spez’s petulant AMA, I happened on a link to I was especially eager to find a different forum then, just because Reddit was set to get much worse much more quickly and the CEO is a twat, but I really didn’t expect anything of lemmy. I assumed that, just as with all the others over the years, I’d browse around a bit, be unimpressed, and leave.

    Instead, I looked around and liked what I saw. And the more I looked, the more I liked it. And I just never went back, and have been here ever since.

    153 months ago

    Came here when the Reddit 3rd party app threat started looming, loved it and never went back.

    Sure, Lemmy doesn’t have the same variety and amount of content that’s on Reddit but that’s because it’s a smaller and newer platform along with the fact that not all instances federate with each other (which is great).

    I still get my scrolling urge fulfilled and presented with random memes and news that I’m interested in without the data harvesting factor which is perfect for me.

  • synae[he/him]
    143 months ago

    16 years on reddit, they killed my client. Now I’m here, probably forever - I don’t expect there will be any permanent issue with the protocol so from here on out it’s just a matter of federation/moderation/blocking the right things

    3 months ago

    Quit using Reddit after the (initial) blackout over 3rd party apps didn’t cause any change from Spez and he instead doubled down on it. Lived without any media for about a month or two until the 3rd party apps were shut down and they began switching over to Lemmy. Lurked for about 3 months using Sync (yeah I know, but a familiar and good interface while other stuff was changing) while deciding on where to sign up an account. I was eyeing a Kbin account as its web view resonated more with me, but seeing the problems it had, finally settled on Never had a better place to comment politically leftist to my heart’s content and be free of moronic come-uppance style replies made for the sake of sounding witty/snarky on such topics.

    Still considering Kbin and/or Lemmy.dbzer0 accounts for the sake of contributing to user diversity, tho.

    Missing a lot of activity in indie game communities here, but never going back to Reddit for scrolling. Only following Reddit links if my search query doesn’t yield any proper answer forums or blogs.

    3 months ago

    Fuck Steve Huffman should be all I need to say. Came from Apollo.

    I’m not fully settled though. I’ll probably end up making an account on another instance or two, and check out Mastodon. I was never a Twitter person but hey why not try new (similar but different) things? But I also don’t feel rushed to do any of that.

    133 months ago

    Came with the reddit exodus and have not look back. I used to waste sonmuxh time in reddit. Lemmy feels mmuch more lean.

    I have only gone back when web search takes me there for an obscure answer.

    3 months ago

    I joined up when Reddit decided to end third party apps. I mostly browsed the front page of Reddit for interesting or funny things, but I noticed once I switched to Lemmy that the Reddit front page was just sponsored content and what the algorithm wanted you to see. I was actually interested in stuff on Lemmy and that made me want to participate rather than just scroll the front page.

    123 months ago

    Mid-2022. I’d heard about it and finally decided to give it a try, though I didn’t post a lot. These days I mostly only go to reddit when searches for information lead me to a post there, and occasionally for stuff that doesn’t exist/is dead here (emacs, hydrohomies…)

        33 months ago

        Various games mostly. For instance the Oxygen Not Included community is pretty dead, and I don’t know of a community for Ark.