Hungarian leader praised Republican front-runner as a “man of peace.”

Donald Trump will totally stop funding Ukraine if he wins the U.S. election in November, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said following a meeting between the right-wing figureheads.

“He will not give a penny in the Ukraine-Russia war,” Orbán told Hungarian state media Sunday. “Therefore, the war will end, because it is obvious that Ukraine can not stand on its own feet.”

The longtime allies met last Friday at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, a summit which was lambasted by U.S. President Joe Biden.

  • Ghostalmedia
    1184 months ago

    Ahh yes. The same “peace” that would have fallen upon France and the UK if they just let Hitler take their land.

      274 months ago

      Worth remembering that a healthy chunk of the American business elite was more than ready to support a United Nazi Europe against the scourge of Stalin’s Soviet Union. Luminaries from Henry Ford to George Prescott Bush were nakedly advocating a US alliance with the Germans in an attempt to reassert western dominion over the globe, as the colonial settlement system was cracking up in the wake of WW1.

      Guys like Trump and Orban aren’t anything new. A business-friendly globe-spanning conglomerate has been the end game for the PNAC crowd for a very long time.

        114 months ago

        Bush exponentially grew the family fortune, making broker fees, by funneling Americans’ investments in these great mining opportunities in Dachau and Auschwitz, where the labor was free!

              34 months ago

              I mean, we’re still fucking around in Ethiopia, standing up military juntas and extracting raw materials at sub-market rates.

              One of the nicest things you could say about Mussolini was that he absolutely sucked at waging war. Wish more European despots could claim the same.

    • @aidan@lemmy.worldM
      -174 months ago

      It’s important to remember that Hitler many times in speeches advocated invading Europe, I don’t watch many Putin speeches, but I don’t think he has done that with the US.

          4 months ago

          Nothing. It is a strawman to pivot the discussion.

          The further that thread goes it derails into the proxy war fallacy.

          Edit: Aww look. It did. What a surprise!

        • @aidan@lemmy.worldM
          4 months ago

          That it’s not the same situation. Everyone agrees warmongering is bad, but appeasement was mocked not because it led to the annexation of the Czech Republic, but because it didn’t actually keep the UK and France out of a war. Hitler always wanted to invade France. This isn’t the same situation, because Putin isn’t repeatedly saying he wants to invade NATO, which Hitler did do referring to Poland and the USSR. Putin would likely continue to conquest, almost definitely into Georgia if it doesn’t fall in line, but there’s no reason to believe he would attack NATO

      -1234 months ago

      Comparing Putin to Hitler is absurd. Get better comparisons. Not every war is a threat to global peace, and acting like it is minimalizes the things that actually are. Just because you dislike that he’s trying to take a small sliver of Ukraine which voted to secede from Ukraine, doesn’t make him after global domination.

      • Skua
        4 months ago

        a small sliver of Ukraine

        “Oh poor little Putin only wants to steal the entire land area of Greece and the homes of eleven million people”

        which voted to secede from Ukraine,

        Ahh yes I too take referenda run by occupying militaries very seriously

        Whether a Hitler comparison is valid or not, your take here fucking sucks

            154 months ago

            Surprisingly easy to win an election with so many of your political opponents are held in prison camps or stuffed into holes in the ground.

            Hell, I’m pretty sure that’s the Floridian model for democracy for the last 30 years.

      • Hyperreality
        4 months ago

        he’s trying to take a small sliver of Ukraine which voted to secede from Ukraine

        He just wants access to the port in Sevastopol, he just wants Crimea, he just wants a bit of Eastern Ukraine…

        Peace in our time!

          114 months ago

          While Chamberlain was applying appeasement, he was also rapidly upgrading the UK’s military capability.

          He then fell on his own (proverbial) sword, to let Churchill take power.

          Don’t compare these Muppets to a politician who actually did what he could to slow the wolves down enough to fight back.

          • Hyperreality
            4 months ago

            You are quite right to raise this point.

            Relevant wikipedia article for those who are unaware:

            Public opinion in Britain throughout the 1930s was frightened by the prospect of German terror bombing of British cities, which had started during the First World War. The media emphasised the dangers, and the general consensus was that defence was impossible and, as Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin had said in 1932, “The bomber will always get through”. However, the Royal Air Force had two major weapons systems in the works: better interceptors (Hurricanes and Spitfires) and especially radar. They promised to counter the German bombing offensive but were not yet ready and so appeasement was necessary to cause a delay. Specifically, regarding the fighters, the RAF warned the government in October 1938 that the German Luftwaffe bombers would probably get through: “the situation… will be definitely unsatisfactory throughout the next twelve months”


            The whole article is worth a read. TLDR: Chamberlain’s legacy and foreign policy has been (partially) re-evaluated.

              4 months ago

              Might be worth remembering that while Tories like Chamberlain were busy appeasing Hitler’s Germany, they were significantly less dovish towards Lenin’s Russia.

              British Tories endorsed the White Army in its war to reclaim Moscow, following the 1917 revolution. Brits participated in the blockade of Russian ports and harassment of their officials through the collapse of the Tory government in 1921. And the Brits, with Churchill as their Chancellor of the Exchequer, conducted a kind of Cold War with the Soviets well into the 1930s. The Munich Agreement was, at least in part, an effort to contain the Communists of Czechoslovak Sudetenland.

              So much of the Western treatment towards the Germans during the 30s was, at its heart, a response to the failures of the Romanov Government at the end of WW1. And there was significant speculation - particularly with the Soviet economic boom of pre-WW2 era - that they’d be the Big Bad all the western powers were going to have to rally against. So Germany was - both directly by US business and indirectly by British appeasement - propped up as a regional counterweight.

        4 months ago

        Comparing Hitler to Napoleon is absurd. Get better comparisons. Not every war is a threat to global peace, and acting like it is minimalizes the things that actually are. Just because you dislike that he is trying to take a small sliver of Czechoslovakia which voted to secede from Czechoslovakia, doesn’t make him after global domination.

        People like you 90 years ago.

          -14 months ago

          Those people were wrong, but I’m right. Most people who say what I did are right. You’re leaving out the many, many times in history a country did not try to take over the world after winning a war.

      • bean
        284 months ago

        This asshole is a troll. Don’t feed him.

          -204 months ago

          You can say what you like about my views, but I do believe them. Y’all are way too quick to deflecting. Why do you need to reflect if I’m so obviously wrong?

              -34 months ago

              Typical lib, deflecting all criticism with accusations of trolling. Or better, call me a Russian agent, that’ll prove you’re right.

              • YeetPics
                24 months ago

                I don’t have to prove I’m right.

                this is a forum for discussion, not a debate stage you stooge.

                  -24 months ago

                  That can’t be true, you sure seemed to be on a debate stage when you were looking for any reason at all to dismiss me entirely.

                14 months ago

                Please move your account to hexbear (which most of us have already blocked) so we don’t have to listen to Russian propaganda talking points on the civilised side of Lemmy. I find it straining to block individual users.

                  14 months ago

                  You’re saying that a primarily American community, centered around a podcast run by 3-4 Americans, is Russian propaganda? C’mon bro, listen to yourself.

            4 months ago

            “Why won’t you debate me about why the earth is flat?! Why do you need to deflect if I’m so obviously wrong?”

            The answer, by the way? Because it’s obvious trying to have a reasonable discussion with you is a waste of time and energy. Consider this reply a freebie.

            Oh, and I highly suggest you don’t conflate “we shouldn’t let Putin invade even a little bit of land” with “being a lib”. Not exactly a great look for liberal opposition if you do that.

              -14 months ago

              Comparing it to a flat earth theory is ridiculous, it is entirely possible that the popular opinion, especially among Americans, is wrong. American media has historically been quite unreliable about foreign affairs, often intentionally.

            34 months ago

            Exhibited by all the black, Jewish, openly queer, etc, people walking about town safely all day? “But muh talking points on my troll farm faq pdf from corporate!”

              -24 months ago

              Exhibited by the fact that they fucking murdered almost all of them. Meanwhile America was handing them money left and right.

                04 months ago

                So it’s anti Nazi to genocide the other? Then sure, you’re the biggest anti Nazis. Just shut the fuck up anti Nazi.

                  24 months ago

                  It’s anti Nazi to murder Nazis. Russia did that the most, and this they are the most anti Nazi country. Are you trying to read it as that stupid “antifa are fascists” BS that used to get spewed by morons?

  • The Assman
    184 months ago

    it is obvious that Ukraine can not stand on its own feet

    - head of NATO and EU member state

      104 months ago

      It’s also a country that was on the wrong side of 2 world wars. Not the senior power, and as part of a larger country one of the times, but still in the wrong side.

    -14 months ago

    As I Hungarian I must say, that he only gets elected because he has a very strong grip on the media over here and most of the civilized peole I know hate the guy a lot. So dear lemmings, don’t criticize my beautiful country would you