I’m from space!

  • 57 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Scientists look at the historical peaks from the last years, then the work back from that targeted date by adding in the many months needed to do trials, manufacturing, etc. Good thing is that, with mRNA technology, that time window is actually much better that is used to be for the older tech we’ve used for flu viruses in the past.

    It’s never going to be perfect, but as long as you had last year’s booster, as the article mentioned, you’re much less likely to get seriously ill.

    Predicting when next year’s peaks will drop is like predicting next years rainfall. You can get close, but it’s never going to be perfect. (Not the greatest analogy, since rain doesn’t mutate, and umbrellas don’t require months of human trials. Ohh well)

    These are smart people working on this stuff. If they could have an updated vaccine ready to go for any unexpected peak, they would.

    • Much of the spending came after a poll in March from pro-Israel group Democratic Majority for Israel showed Bowman trailing by 17 points.

    So he was down 17 points pre-AIPAC money. Then after AIPAC spent a record breaking amount of money, he remained down 17 points and lost by that exact margin.

    The ungodly amount of money probably didn’t radically change the opinion of what most of his constituents were going to do in the ballot box.

    Maybe he would’ve closed the gap a bit, but he wasn’t in great shape to begin with.

  • The Daily had a good piece about this race. Apparently AIPAC specifically targeted him because he already had that fire alarm thing tarnishing him, and his district had a strong challenger that people were very familiar with.

    AIPAC knows money alone can’t win a race. They did what a lot of political action groups do now. They want to use their money effectively, so they specifically picked a race that looked like it could be influenced. Then they threw record breaking amounts of money at it.