• agitatedpotato@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Like, is everyone here so opposed to actual facts if it looks like there is even one iota of support for the ‘other team’?

    It’s an election year in the US, so yes. The amount of people I see get down voted for what people assume someone means instead of the literal words on the screen is absurd. I see people preface critisizm of America with ‘Im euroepan’ so they dont get mobbed by Americans demanding they admit Trump is worse and that voting for anyone but their guy is sure to bring the apocalypse.

    Don’t get me wrong I much prefer Lemmy to reddit, but there’s not as much difference in community as some people like to say there is. Basically we just like linux a lot more here.

    • SpezBroughtMeHere@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      No, this place is much worse than reddit. You could find a space that had different views on reddit. Here is just one giant echo chamber that you must agree with or else. Democrats have just as much good ideas as Republicans, which is to say pretty freaking close to zero. So it would be nice to get factual information from either side, but that clearly won’t happen here.