Keep in mind he ran against the current Economy Minister, who in a year and a half doubled inflation to the current 150% yearly.
Yeh, he won at 55%. People voted him for a reason.
How many of his cloned dogs are part of the presidential cabinet?
Is this the dog guy? Oh god…he is so fucking awful.
Enlighten those of us out of the know, please.
I first learned about him on a recent ‘Last Week Tonight’:
Dude’s got a lot going on but tldr he’s just a terrible person all around. Sprinkle in some oddities here and there but at the end of the day, absolute piece of shit who denies climate change and likes Trump.
He has tons of controversial policy proposals. None of them will ever happen since none of the parties support him and he doesn't have a majority to push anything through.
The only thing the Presidency in Argentina controls is the department of finance.
He has talked about using referendums to push non-fiscal issues, but none of those issues (like viewing abortion as murder) have anywhere near a majority in the population.
He looks like a rejected villain character from Austin Powers… good luck Argentina