We have gotten a lot of changes this season of Apex Legends. A lot of good, like the revamped Storm Point, new legend, and a really fun care package weapon in the wingman.

We've also gotten a lot of other changes that people may have stronger opinions on, such as R301 in the crafter, respawning with a weapon and full armor, and no longer being able to put heat shields on tridents (such a fun, if niche thing to do).

So all in all, how are we feeling so far this season? Good, bad, iffy?

  • pycorax@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I haven't had a chance to play it yet but I really like the sound of still having your weapon (even if it is naked) and armour even when you're down. Feels like it would make respawning in the final rings a lot more viable.