Chemical discussions aside, MDMA cut with other drugs is nasty. The hangovers from mixed MDMA are horrid, to say the least. More days of my youth than I would like to admit were spent in bed because of that trash.
Risk is risk. I hope that someone reads our discussion to be more familiar with those risks, TBH. Drugs are drugs, and drugs affect people in different ways.
But sorry if I got distracted with psychedelics rather than MDMA. I haven't read into MDMA in a while. I have been so entrenched in the mushroom world for a bit that everything reads like a conversation about psychedelics. (That spawned a yet another hobby of growing gourmet and medicinal mushrooms, but I digress.)
Chemical discussions aside, MDMA cut with other drugs is nasty. The hangovers from mixed MDMA are horrid, to say the least. More days of my youth than I would like to admit were spent in bed because of that trash.
Risk is risk. I hope that someone reads our discussion to be more familiar with those risks, TBH. Drugs are drugs, and drugs affect people in different ways.
But sorry if I got distracted with psychedelics rather than MDMA. I haven't read into MDMA in a while. I have been so entrenched in the mushroom world for a bit that everything reads like a conversation about psychedelics. (That spawned a yet another hobby of growing gourmet and medicinal mushrooms, but I digress.)