It is accused of promoting attitudes contrary to the cultural beliefs of the mainly Muslim nation.

  • Ooops
    4611 months ago

    “The movie promoted homosexuality and did not comply with Algeria’s religious and cultural beliefs”

    Did I see the wrong movie again when that pink fever dream about living -and quite certainly asexual- plastic puppets somehow promotes homosexuality?

    • Margot Robbie
      1211 months ago

      Maybe you should go watch the movie again with your family and friends a couple of time, just to make sure.

    • hh93
      1011 months ago

      I think there was a scene showing a gay couple checking out Ken for a couple of seconds when they arrived at the beach

      Would be very funny if they did leave that out in their release there and it still got banned for that since everyone knows that it’s not about that why they don’t want people seeing that movie

      • Ooops
        211 months ago


        Fine… Why should I ever be able to just enjoy shallow entertainment as such? Guess I have to rewatch the movie at least another time to look for details I might have missed because I’m not properly sensitized like a good morally uncorrupted Algerian.