Phillip Fisher Jr. is a pastor and Republican ward leader who coordinates faith-based outreach for Philadelphia’s Moms for Liberty chapter.

He’s also a registered sex offender, due to a 2012 felony conviction for aggravated sexual abuse of a 14-year-old boy when Fisher was 25.

    158 months ago

    Not the person you replied to but

    He repeatedly denied any wrongdoing and called his conviction “one blip” in his background. He blamed it all on a dispute about his trying to break away from the LaRouche organization, and said the 14-year-old boy and his parents were part of that group.

    “It was a political situation that happened between me and Lyndon LaRouche,” Fisher said. “It was a member of his camp, his party, that made the accusation. They pushed it through. It was really a railroad job.”

    In his "defense", one picture from his time working for LaRouche included holding a poster of Obama with a Hitler mustache for some protest. By all means, I could see a group like that being crazy conspiracy theorists concocting some crazy plot to hurt him. But he was a part of that group. He's now a part of a different crazy conspiracy group. He could maybe try a group that isn't full of crazy conspiracy theorists. But then he might not feel at home.

      98 months ago

      Good Lord. Yeah I mean, that doesn't sound super believable. 14 year old going through with what their parents want? Nah. He fuckin diddled that kid.

        88 months ago

        Again not defending him but, I could easily see a 14 year old in a cult going along with what their parents or other authoritative figures say.

        That being said, the part that doesn't pass the sniff test for me is the grand jury indictment. Abuse cases like that are notoriously hard to prove in court (in part due to kids not making the most reliable witnesses). If a grand jury brought charges, I'm more inclined to believe there was enough smoke to investigate for the fire.

        28 months ago

        It's really not his fault. As a conservative, he's been trained to ignore conservative sexual deviance, especially if it involves kids, and more especially from a religious leader. Could you imagine trying to find a group that would accept a black child molesting religious leader? Much easier to hide not disclose that and be accepted as the black religious leader.