• @kromem@lemmy.world
    118 months ago

    Given his age, we should really be hearing what Harris wants to do with her presidency if he wins as well.

    • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
      8 months ago

      If she's good enough for a Biden she's good enough for me.

      Have you seen the other guy? He's talking about instituting martial law on day one, posting armed guards at election sites, purging the federal government, and eradicating political opponents.

      The dude already trying to steal a four-year term as president even though he knew he lost the election. If he's elected, he will 100% make himself a dictator for life.

      IMO, he has inspired more terrorism in the United States than Osama Bin Laden ever did.

      • @kromem@lemmy.world
        118 months ago

        Yes, I have seen the other guy.

        Which is why I'm quite concerned that an octogenarian with an unpopular VP who floundered during the primary race and has barely been seen since may not be making it to election day 2024 and passing the torch prematurely at the 11th hour during the most important election cycle in US history.

        Biden is acting like a teenager that thinks they are immortal and risking the entire country on that presumption.

        We should really be having a primary to run the most capable Dem candidates against Trump. But short of that, they should at very least be adequately preparing for a possible Harris v Trump ticket and not keep pretending she doesn't exist until she's unexpectedly thrust into the spotlight again.

        • "Barely been seen."

          Check the White House calendar. Where did you hear this hot take because it's obviously a lie. The rest of your opinion seems equally as misinformed.

          • @kromem@lemmy.world
            8 months ago

            I'm not talking about hosting a lunch, and you know it.

            I'm talking about national media presence.

            It's not her fault, but she's significantly less visible than past VPs in both online media coverage and her own party's preferred TV news segments.

            I'm saying that it would be wise to have the party prioritize changing that quickly given the odds around how things might play out over the next twelve months.

            Especially given things like the recent NBC News poll where she had the lowest approval rating since the poll began in 1989, articles like this NY Mag piece, or this WP piece, etc.

            This is a PR issue, and it really seems like the party/administration is just pretending it doesn't exist and focusing 100% on Biden rather than investing into improving her national image when there's a real chance she's going to need to carry a victory against Trump home unless they replace her (which Biden won't do).

        • Sure. I disagree with Biden and Harris all the time. That's what it means to have principles. You're principled. Congrats!

          It's why the DNC is so hard to steer and often why Democrats lose elections. Speaking our truths and working together despite disagreement is our only hope.

          Have you seen the other guys? They are always in agreement. They are unprincipled. As a result, there is no lie they aren't too gullible to believe and no atrocity too horrible they can't be tricked to commit.

      • Sure, but the problem is that presidential elections are determined by who inspires more of their supporters to actually show up.

        No one is inspired by "not literally the worst person to run for president".

      • @ComradeWeebelo@lemm.ee
        68 months ago

        This is what happens when your political role models are all authoritarians.

        But blaming others for this is not really accurate. Trump was raised to be a POS from birth.

      • @kromem@lemmy.world
        28 months ago

        Yes, but I'm not particularly worried if Trump has a stroke in summer of 2024 and his VP pick needs to finish the race.

        I'm extremely worried about that scenario for Biden/Harris.