• @NuXCOM_90Percent@lemmy.zip
    8 months ago

    Sanders has stepped up as a "leader" since he pissed away most of his influence in 2012. That is really good. And that is why he is the one expected to "speak up" in these kinds of hearings and why he gets media coverage.

    But a LOT of work happens in the government that doesn't get media coverage. One could argue that almost all meaningful and productive work falls into that category.

    If people want to say "Good on Bernie for telling it like it is" and "Good thing Bernie is there to step up", I am all for it. But "he's the only adult in a room full of children" is an active insult to everyone who is trying to make this shitshow work.

    And even if you don't care about actively disrespecting the people trying to attempt to make this country a more bearable place: Sanders is 78. We need to not pin all our hopes and dreams on someone who very likely won't be in office in 2028.

    • @Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
      358 months ago

      If people want to say “Good on Bernie for telling it like it is” and “Good thing Bernie is there to step up”, I am all for it. But “he’s the only adult in a room full of children” is an active insult to everyone who is trying to make this shitshow work.

      Oh, people who hate Sanders suddenly don't like it when people are called children?

          • @tetris11@lemmy.ml
            8 months ago

            My take of his argument is that all of what we see is theater, and that there are actual adults in the background trying to hold everything together, and that labeling all who work in politics as children does nothing but a disservice to a large majority of civil servants

            • @Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
              8 months ago

              If people who hate Sanders object so mightily to calling people children, that shouldn't have been their go-to dismissal of everyone to their left for the past 8 years.

    • Keith
      18 months ago

      I think you misunderstood. The "room" mentioned isn't all of Congress, but the physical room where this one committee was.