updated my extensions and browser, now it works, oops!
updated my extensions and browser, now it works, oops!
Great interview, I wish we had more of it. I could watch them discuss these issues for hours.
Everytime I try to open the article the firefox tab crashes. what gives? I’ve been seeing this happen a lot recently
My town in NC just had it’s annual “Mule Days Festival,” which celebrated the sturdy animal. The town even has a large statue of a Mule at the entrance to the “downtown” area. I wonder if the mules used to carry supplies were recently paraded through the streets here?
The video in the article, depicting a random white guys reaction to seeing the statue
“It made me scared to come to work, because what if I get shot or get noosed up just because of the way I look. And I don’t know why the election at home should have to affect people so badly”
Bitch, your party’s entire identity is based around attacking minority communities based on skin color, immigration status, and gender/sexual identity. Now that you’re being recognized as the literal piece of shit you are, NOW you want to scale back the rhetoric? Go fuck yourself.
Also why does seeing your bitch emperor with no clothes make you scared of bodily harm? This dude sees himself in that depiction, identifies with the vile racist rapist on display and thinks “what if that happened to me?” And I gotta think, yeah, that’s the point of the depiction. Your blind hateful positions only serve to expose you as the pathetic pasty parasite you are. Self-reflect and change or you’ll continue to be seen as a hypocritical bigot who’s self worth is based entirely upon the racist/misogynistic idea that because you’re a cis white man you’re better than everyone else. Fuck off you ignorant bitch.
I was actually thinking the Netherlands… but I also want to pursue a career in Stand-up comedy and acting so… Kinda just leaves cities/states deep in disaster areas (LA, NYC, Atlanta) 🙃
Me over here trying to figure out where I want to move like
Jesus Christ. between this and the third reich ohio sherriff, we may be in for a very bad time. Dude is referring to immigrants as a plague of locusts, and calling on his violent right wing extremists to target those he sees as political opponents.
Climate change is just going to continue accelerating the amount of migration we see from less developed countries. This type of violent extremism needs to be nipped in the bud before it destroys us.
Alyse Ley, a child and adolescent psychiatrist at Michigan State University and the director of a program aimed at preventing adolescent targeted violence, said that “behavior is a way of communicating” — and that it is the job of adults to figure out what students are trying to say.
Lately, she added, it seems that “kids are screaming out for help.”
Give me a salary, and I’ll show up everyday outside the fence of the prison yard, and the entire time he’s out there, I’ll hurl nonstop insults and heckling his way.
“hey, here’s mr. dipshit himself! is that your prison boyfriend? how’s that cell treatin you, dumbass? God what a pathetic loser! walkin around alone again, huh? where’s melania? barron still hasn’t shown up? dang, nobody out here even talks about you anymore, how neat is that? Diddy gets more mail from his victims than you do period! they composted all your merchandise, mixed it with pig shit, and it’s a great fertilizer, who’da thunk your bullshit would ever amount to something useful? druuuuuuuuuuuumpf. druuuuuuuuuuuuuumpf. loser couldn’t make money off a casino his daddy bought’im! druuuuuuuuuuuuumpf. missing your gold toilet loser? yum this mcdonalds burger is soooooo good, maybe if you’re good all year they might let work at one!”
I can go all day
Which is wrong anyway, the Wright brothers were born, raised, and died in Ohio, had their bicycle shop in Ohio, designed/built the first airplane in Ohio, and only took it to Kitty Hawk in NC for test flights.
Speaking as an Ohioan, NC can go fly a kite with that “first in flight” nonsense.
I had some business with a guy that had successfully lobbied politicians before, he described it as paying the price of a nice meal, and a $10k check to their reelection fund. Before that, I always assumed it would have to be much more, because $10k seems so paltry, but that was literally the figure.
The Rev Hillary Taylor, executive director of South Carolinians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, said the flaws in Allah’s case were a reminder that “the death penalty is not given to the ‘worst of the worst’, it is given to the people who are least able to represent themselves in court”
Salient words.
Providing necessary healthcare is vastly different than providing hate-speech mailers. I’m OK with the post office having a rule about not delivering mailers with blatant misinformation and/or hate-speech aimed against marginalized minority groups.
At some point we have to recognize that these organizations are delivering blatant misinformation and hate-speech. That is, speech designed to “other” an already minority group of civilians.
These postcards accuse teachers of “pushing transgenderism” and describe gender-affirming medical care as “chemical and surgical mutilation.”
This hateful and divisive rhetoric has real effects on trans people just trying to live their lives, and one should not be forced to participate in the dissemination of said hate-speech propaganda. I’m glad that they just suspended her, and ended up paying her for the days missed after she came back.
I, for one, am sick an tired of being delivered hate-speech in the mail. Some of the republican mailers I get are littered with the same hateful misinformation. It does nothing but foment anger towards an already marginalized minority group. It’s wrong, and the post office should refuse to deliver it.
I’m a pretty heavily freckled person, but damn if I don’t have a pronounced, solitary freckle precisely at this location on my left arm.
I bet it’s related to driving with my left arm hanging out the window. In the US at least, people who do that have their left arm over-exposed to sun damage.
Literally isn’t.
Avg hospital CEO earns $649,198 to $1,093,977 in my state of NC.
That’s who the system is working for. Additionally, all it’s share holders.
Looks like he was about to faint. I’ve been feeding some neighborhood cats in an effort to trap them to get them properly nuetered/spayed, so when I put out food I’ll sit with them while they eat so they learn I’m not a threat. I put out some food, and then hunkered down into a deep squat, just enjoying the morning sunshine, the sounds of kitty’s eating and the wind dancing between the leaves. Must’ve stayed in that position for a little longer than I thought, because when I got up abruptly to head inside, I fainted! Thankfully I was able to break the fall with my hip, so I only got a small gash on the backside of the ol’ noggin, but it was scary. I woke up quick enough and was immediately aware of the time of day, what I was doing, etc. so I wasn’t worried about a concussion (I’ve had one before so know what to look for), but still. t’was alarming! and the way I felt, all unsteady, leaning heavily on whatever was around in an effort to stabilize myself, is exactly what this guy in the video looked like. Don’t know if it can be fully explained by not eating during a busy day as the candidate suggested, but perhaps with some hypertension/anti-anxiety medication thrown in… yeah, I could see that.
Certainly nice of the other candidate to check on him, it seemed like he was genuinely concerned, which is exactly what we should value in those we choose to represent us.