All 10 of the largest U.S. meat and dairy companies have lobbied against environmental and climate policies, resisting climate regulations, including rules on greenhouse gases and emissions reporting. This is according to a study by New York University, which examined the political influence of the 10 largest meat and dairy companies in the United States.

      39 months ago

      And this is where I stop communicating with you. Maybe you should reflect on why it is so important to you to be right about something that is so destructive to the planet. Something you want to deny, but don't want to supply any sources for. While at the same time every comment I have written you is backed by sources. You're an asshole.

        -29 months ago

        Maybe you should reflect on why it is so important to you to be right about something that is so destructive to the planet

        i just AM right. if i were wrong, i'd admit it.

        -29 months ago

        Something you want to deny, but don’t want to supply any sources for

        i don't need to provide any sources, since you haven't actually provided any sources that support your claim.