Sept. 30 (UPI) – Elon Musk is under fire after publicly backing a far-right political party in Germany, suggesting the current government should not be re-elected over its position on the current migrant crisis in Europe.

        9 months ago

        True but not the discussion being had here. Stay on topic.

        Also, stop holding Chomsky up as an authority on anything. He is a linguistics professor; nothing more…unless you count just being a leftist Alex Jones, presenting his opinion as fact and selling scripted interviews with himself as "documentaries"

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
          -69 months ago

          The fact that US has been committing atrocities on the global scale for at least a century is crucial context for evaluating behavior of other countries Nothing Russia has done even begins to compare to the behavior US regularly exhibits. Countries have to be held to the same moral standard, and until the west starts accounting for its own crimes it is in no position to play world police or judge other countries.

          Meanwhile, Chomsky is an accomplished political scientists with many published academic works on the subject. Dismissing hims as a linguistics professor shows profound lack of intellectual honesty on your part. And of course, nobody is asking you to take what he says as fact based on him saying it. The article makes a case that stands on its own merit, which you'd quickly realize if you bothered reading it.

            09 months ago

            Wrong. I've read enough Chomsky to know what he is, thank you. And no, I won't excuse Russia for being an asshole just because the US is also.

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
              -69 months ago

              So you/re now admitting that you're intentionally mischaracterizing Chomsky's area of expertise then. Then you proceed to straw man about excusing something. What was said to you is that the west has to hold itself to the same moral standard that it aims to hold others to. Until people in the west can fix their own broken society they have no business running around judging others. It's absolutely incredible that you can't comprehend this.

                19 months ago

                Btw, read your Chomsky article. It is exactly what I said he is: a guy posting opinions without any purpose or context for the sake of hearing himself speak …a leftist Alex Jones.

                19 months ago

                So what you're saying is let The invasion continue without any resistance whatsoever because "no u!". It's absolutely incredible that you can't comprehend this.

                    19 months ago

                    All Russia had to do was stay behind their border. It really was just that simple. Nothing more complicated than that. Super easy… barely an inconvenience. So easy even a caveman could do it.

                    Maybe the bluefaced MAGAt footstomping about "Biden's war" would be acceptable if those same fucking assholes didnt spend twenty years calling us all traitors for objecting to an obviously fake war in Iraq and Afghanistan.