• 96 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2020

  • It was not a threat, but a hypothetical example to gauge the reaction of that reactionary baiter.

    The problem with claiming AI generated art as CSAM is that there is no possible way to create an objective definition of what “level” of realism is real and what is not. A drawing or imaginary creation is best left not defined as real in any capacity whatsoever. If it is drawn or digitally created, it is not real, period. Those people thinking of good uses of AI were too optimistic and failed to account for the extremely bad use cases that will spiral out of control as far as human society goes.

    Even though China is incredibly advanced and proactive on trying to control this AI deepfake issue, I do not trust any entity in any capacity on such a problem impossible to solve on a country or international scale.

    I just had a dejavu moment typing this comment, and I have no idea why.