• Neato
        -1310 months ago

        And then what? Shootouts when any cop tries to detain you? These torture houses aren't the first stop after arrest. And people aren't going to jump straight to lethal violence at a traffic stop.

        • @pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyzOP
          1410 months ago

          If that's what it takes. It's either that or allow them to continue torturing and oppressing American citizens. Do you really want that on your conscience?

          • Neato
            -810 months ago

            If that’s what it takes.

            Cool. You first.

            • pensa
              1210 months ago

              That's a cowardly comment if I've ever read one. You could have just shut up but had to show the world your a afraid to stand up for what's right.

              • Neato
                -210 months ago

                stand up for what's right.

                By shooting cops? Starting a revolution? Are you doing that? People love to call for violence on the web while sitting at home doing nothing. It's hypocrisy plain and simple.

                I'm not saying they shouldn't do that. But every person saying "just go do X" while they themselves are too cowardly to be doing it first is pathetic. I'm not on here saying we should all violently overthrow the police state. Because I'm not out there.

                • pensa
                  810 months ago

                  By stopping the wrong doing that is causing real harm to people.

                  You can try to justify your lack of action all you want but I see you.

                  Nobody, other than you, said anything along the lines of "you go first."

                  Ideas are being shared on how to combat injustice. That is doing something. Well it's doing a hell of a lot more than "Cool. You first"

                • @pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyzOP
                  410 months ago

                  Surprise surprise, a pro-establishment concern troll trying to bait us by making the conversation all about us and not about the fact that cops are literally torturing innocent people post-9/11 style and need to be overthrown to be forced to stop.

                  Everybody just fucking downvote and ignore this cretin. Nothing you say to him will convince him to support a revolution because he wants things to stay the way they are.

                  He is openly stating he cares more about our egos than he does about the innocent lives cops are taking on the regular. He gives not one single fuck about anyone other than himself and neither does anyone else who says the same things he does.

                  Just downvote him and ignore him. We can topple the old state together and put in a new one where there likely aren't any cops, let alone any that can fucking torture people.

                  We don't need to convince people like him that our cause is just.

                  Fuck him. Honestly.

                • @DTFpanda@lemmy.world
                  -110 months ago

                  Am I taking crazy pills? Why are you getting downvoted lmao, what is the average age group here? Seems like a bunch of edgy teenagers.

                  • Neato
                    -110 months ago

                    This always happens. Internet tough guys. Everyone pushing for revolution and arming themselves. But they never have useful ideas what to do next not nor are they bothering to even protest.

            • @amanneedsamaid@sopuli.xyz
              610 months ago

              You have been brainwashed as to how horrible a society can become, to the point you think an armed populace rebelling is impossible / impractical.

              The more people start thinking like you do, the faster we move towards repeating that cycle of oppression the founding fathers attempted to break out of.

          • Neato
            -310 months ago

            OK. Goodluck with that. I don't think it's a sustainable solution right now. But you do you.

            • krolden
              310 months ago

              Sustainability is the last thing I'm concerned about when it comes to state sanctioned violence.