Read this post and wrote a simple Tampermonkey script as a solution.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Fix community link
// @version      0.1
// @description  try to take over the world!
// @match*
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    const postLinks = document.getElementById("postContent").querySelectorAll("a:not(.community-link)") // get every links that is NOT a community link

    const fixLink = (aTags) => {
        for (let aTag of aTags) {
            const isCommunityLink = aTag.pathname.startsWith("/c/");
            aTag.href = isCommunityLink?aTag.pathname + "@" +


    const comments = document.getElementsByClassName("comment-content");

    for (let comment of comments) {
        let commentLinks = comment.querySelectorAll("a:not(.community-link)");

Any advice? I especially hate the fact that the way to check if it's a link for lemmy community is through pathname but I thought there's can't be a real solution besides listing all the lemmy instances or actually making a request somehow.

Any inputs are welcome!

  • smpl
    210 months ago

    You could check if a domain contains a lemmy instance by fetching /.well-known/nodeinfo, but it's bad netiquette to hammer sites with requests and could get users blocked. If you were to do it I'd make sure it cached the lookups in IndexedDB, localStorage or just using Cache API. I'm unsure how well any of the APIs works with UserScripts.