For those who have pre-ordered it is already here, the rest have to wait a little longer. Starfield is finally here! Have you bought it, why or why not? If you’ve already played it, what do you think of it? We are very curious!

Discuss all things Starfield below!

  • JasSmith
    011 months ago

    Careful. The last time I spoke ill of Gamebryo+++++++ I was the subject of a short-lived harassment campaign. Bethesda fans are bizarrely protective of this Frankenstein engine. Get this: you still can’t climb ladders! It’s fucking 2023.

      11 months ago

      It’s called understanding that not everything can be done.

      If they don’t think it’s not worth the time adding ladder climbing to their engine, that’s their choice. You can obviously make a scene and complain, but that’s their choice.

      Imagine getting this upset over someone not adding something you want to their engine lmfao.

      It’s not like being able to climb a ladder actually adds all that much immersion. Arguably most 3d games with ladders are immersion breaking in the end anyway, they are janky, usually done with clipping all over the place, hard to line up and causes multiple deaths because of these issues.

      What a hill to die on.