Bout damn time

    • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
      712 months ago
      • “Americans will always do the right thing - after exhausting all other options” - Winston Churchill
            -22 months ago

            Eh who wasn’t then. Damn near every western country was cool with eugenics. Though Dachau opened less than 3 months after Hitler was appointed in Jan 1933, WW2 didn’t officially start for over 8 more years, with the invasion of Poland in Sept 1941…Auschwitz 1 wouldn’t have its ribbon-cutting for another 8 months, and extermination camps didn’t really get going for nearly another year and a half after that. And it didn’t officially end for 5 months after the closure of the death camps and Hitler’s suicide, when Japan surrendered.

              22 months ago

              There have always been progressives. Look at John Brown, violently anti-racist when most of society accepted a racial caste system as normal. We should hold the past to the same standard as the present, not dismiss old problems as “of the times.”

      692 months ago

      Well, just look at lemmy users around anything Biden related. No matter what, you’ll get people only talking about Gaza, and disregard all of the other good his administration has done for the 3.5 years they have been working.

      This is why politicians wait for the popular, easy wins until its campaigning time. People have a short memory, and it’s always whatever the last big news story is that drives voters.

          2 months ago

          all the downvotes this comment is getting is making me wonder if all or most of the genocides in the past were allowed to happen because it was politically easier to ignore them during their time for some other higher priority goal.

          if that’s true, it speaks volumes that we no longer remember what that other goal is but continue to perpetuate genocides while simultaneously abhorring it and that it feels a lot like other bizarre social practices like war or prejudices were we also perpetuate them while also simultaneously abhor them.

            -22 months ago

            BS, they’re ignored when you insert them into arbitrary conversations to provoke a reaction

              12 months ago

              Supporting genocide and genocidal countries are or about the worst thing that one can do. It’s hard to do enough good to overcome that. I dare say it’s impossible. At least Hitler killed Hitler.