This is EBNF grammar for ANSI C (C99) and it contains almost every rule. It may be missing stuff, please tell me if you notice something missing.

I am writing a C compiler, with my backend and hopefully my own frontend in OCaml. That is why I wrote this grammar. I also have written the AWK grammar, but it’s not uploaded anywhere. Tell me if you want it.


  • ChubakPDP11+TakeWithGrainOfSaltOP
    24 months ago

    I think digraphs and trigraphs are part of the preprocessor? I did not add any preprocessor stuff to this grammar. I am adding them to the new version I am working on.

    I have read the C17 standard fully and I did recall it from memory from time to time but it seems like I had forgotten a lot of stuff. I am redefining it, and I am redigning my AWK grammar too.

    I am hoping I could perhaps make a Github pages website called Internet Grammar Database and have all sorts of grammar inside it. Thoughts?