Gretchen Whitmer responds to calls by some Democrats to vote ‘uncommitted’ in Michigan’s primary on Tuesday

Gretchen Whitmer, the Michigan governor, pushed back on calls to not vote for Joe Biden over his handling of the Israel-Gaza conflict, saying on Sunday that could help Trump get re-elected.

“It’s important not to lose sight of the fact that any vote that’s not cast for Joe Biden supports a second Trump term,” she said on Sunday during an interview on CNN’s State of the Union. “A second Trump term would be devastating. Not just on fundamental rights, not just on our democracy here at home, but also when it comes to foreign policy. This was a man who promoted a Muslim ban.”

Whitmer, who is a co-chair of Biden’s 2024 campaign, also said she wasn’t sure what to expect when it came to the protest vote.

Rashida Tlaib, a Democrat who is the only Palestinian-American serving in Congress, urged Democrats last week to vote “uncommitted” in Michigan’s 27 February primary.

    924 months ago

    Trump, the one who moved the US embassy would, if anything, support Israel even more aggressively than Biden.

        324 months ago

        There are also a large amount of people who understand this and are intentionally acting as if they don’t. This is just this round’s version of the ‘walk away’ people from previous elections.

                  14 months ago

                  “Opposition to genocide isn’t real”, is pretty close to supporting it.

                  A young man just lit himself on fire to protest our complicity in the genocide, this isn’t a made up issue. The people up in arms in my social feeds aren’t faceless Russians, they the people who would work past campaigns and donate to Democrats.

                  -44 months ago

                  Biden circumvented congress to sell weapons to Netanyahu for genocide. That’s support for genocide.

                  You can’t justify support for genocide, and I doubt you want Biden to stop doing so. So let’s see which Standard Centrist Dismissal you select instead.

                34 months ago

                Just like said, no one is arguing for genocide so you’re not arguing in good faith. Imagine being so blind and you think Trump and Biden are the same. Unreal how reductive some people are.

                If it were possible, you would be ashamed of your comment but here you are.

                  14 months ago

                  Imagine being so blind and you think Trump and Biden are the same.

                  I didn’t say that either. Biden should stop supporting genocide.

                    34 months ago

                    Biden has already been critical about the actions of Israel. Trump is in full support so when you say Biden should do X when you know his opposition would lean HARD into X, you are saying they’re the same when one is clearly worse.

                    People like you love to make things black and white when the reality is shades of grey. Israel has the right to defend itself against the Hamas attack that killed over 1000 Israelis. They do not have the right to inflict genocide on anyone and whether or not you think Biden supports it ( hint hint: he doesn’t) that doesn’t mean Israel is going to stop.

                    Maybe you’re just young and need to grow up a bit. Who knows? I just know your arguments are garbage.

          194 months ago

          The alternative appears to be that same genocide plus an authoritarian state run by a corrupt egoistist BTW. Voting for a party is and never has been a vote to support literally every policy they stand on.

            14 months ago

            I wasn’t advocating for not voting for Biden; I was advocating for Biden to cease his support for Netanyahu’s genocide.

              64 months ago

              When you make statements like

              Democrats should not be supporting genocide. Regardless of how much worse the alternative is

              You need to understand that the alternative is Trump. Stop creating bullshit noise and get on the same page as everyone else.

                24 months ago

                The alternative is Biden not supporting genocide, and if it takes threats to not vote for him to do it, that’s well worth it. You act like everything is baked into stone and none of these current actions could have a material impact on the people that are right now dying.

                24 months ago

                You need to understand that the alternative is Trump.

                “But they’re worse” does not justify supporting genocide. Nothing justifies supporting genocide. Biden should stop.

              -34 months ago

              And what does that look like to you this election cycle?

              Stop the bullshit double speak, half truth skirting around the conversation and say, flat out and in plain English, how do you propose we handle this situation as a voter? Give us an actual solution.

                64 months ago

                We should continue the protests until Biden stops supporting genocide.

                We should vote for Biden and not Trump. Democrats should not support genocide. The two aren’t contradictory.

                Stop the bullshit double speak

                “Democrats should not support genocide” is a simple, direct statement.

              • The Snark Urge
                34 months ago

                There isn’t one, unless we can somehow replace key centre-right policymakers inside the Democrat party and drag the party to a more firmly progressive platform

          94 months ago

          Yep, so vote Bernie in the primaries, then when he loses the primary and the election is Biden vs Trump vote Biden.

          It sucks that our election system has been warped into a two party shitshow, but here we are.

          Our ecosystem will not survive a Trump term. That means our food supply will not survive a Trump term. We do not want a neverending dust bowl.

          Additionally of you really think Trump will do anything for peace you haven’t been listening to his words or looked at his actions.

            14 months ago

            I said Democrats should not support genocide. I did not say people should not vote for Biden. I did not say people should vote for Trump.

            I said that Democrats should not be supporting genocide. Biden should stop and you should too.

            4 months ago

            I think Democrats should stop supporting genocide. They should vote for Biden and not Trump.

            Biden should stop supporting genocide, and pro-genocide centrists should stop assuming that opposition to genocide is support for Trump. Or at least scroll down and see if others haven’t spammed identical genocide apologia.

      264 months ago

      He’s good friends with and likely has donations from Netanyahu. And all Trump and the GOP have to do (as usual) is sit back and watch the left fight and destroy itself while the gop sit back and win.

      Democrats are so damn stupid. Not a single one of your candidates and potential presidents is against Israel, none, so why make it an issue for this election?