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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • My own experience with advanced degrees is that they can give you a sense of humility. You gain some expert knowledge in one field, yes, but you also get a glimpse of a larger world of knowledge that you did not specialize in. You learn just how much you don’t know.

    It seems you had a very different experience with your degree. It gave you the confidence to pull rank to win internet arguments with strangers. If that is the case, then well done.

    Of course you don’t need a masters in literature to know the meaning of the word “compel”. Any speaker of the English language knows this. Anyone who’s seen The Exorcist knows this. You pulling out your credentials proves nothing. It’s a non sequitur.

    And of course even if the word meant what you claim it meant, it would be irrelevant. You, my friend, are a non sequitur wrapped inside a non sequitur.

  • According to wikipedia, the Georgia general assembly already met from Jan 9th to March 29th of this year, and cannot meet for more than 40 days in a year per the state constitution. I’m assuming it must have a clause granting the governor the power to exempt the legislature from that time limit for a special session, or else this whole request is unconstitutional. But I didn’t find anything on wikipedia saying so.

    edit: I found it. Article V, section II, paragraph VII:

    Special sessions of the General Assembly. (a) The Governor may convene the General Assembly in special session by proclamation which may be amended by the Governor prior to the convening of the special session or amended by the Governor with the approval of three-fifths of the members of each house after the special session has convened; but no laws shall be enacted at any such special session except those which relate to the purposes stated in the proclamation or in any amendment thereto.

    (b) The Governor shall convene the General Assembly in special session for all purposes whenever three-fifths of the members to which each house is entitled certify to the Governor in writing, with a copy to the Secretary of State, that in their opinion an emergency exists in the affairs of the state. The General Assembly may convene itself if, after receiving such certification, the Governor fails to do so within three days, excluding Sundays.

    © Special sessions of the General Assembly shall be limited to a period of 40 days unless extended by three-fifths’ vote of each house and approved by the Governor or unless at the expiration of such period an impeachment trial of some officer of state government

    is pending, in which event the House shall adjourn and the Senate shall remain in session until such trial is completed.

  • I hate news stories that are just “someone tweeted”. The journalist who wrote this did nothing beyond add some trump quotes.

    What response, if any, has Kemp made? Are other legislators on board? What are the rules governing how the legislature may review or impeach the acts of a county prosecutor? When does the legislature convene if there’s no special session? What are the rules for special sessions if there is one? Didn’t the legislature recently pass a law giving themselves expanded powers over prosecutorial discretion? Does that apply here?

    Is this just a publicity stunt by some no name state legislator posted on their Twitter, or is this a serious move? If it’s the former, we needn’t have wasted our electrons.