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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • You literally cannot trust a word any of these clowns say. After Roe was struck down they said “we’ll just leave it up to the states” and now that a majority of Americans are making it clear state by state that they want the right to control their own bodies they’ve once again changed their tune.

    “This is why a pure democracy doesn’t work”

    i.e. let’s subvert the will of the people. Trump tried and failed to do it too. I’m beginning to believe the worst words you could possibly hear from someone’s mouth is “I’m a conservative”

  • We are (very likely) already past the point of no return when it comes to tipping points. You can’t refreeze the arctic which is currently thawing at alarming rates. You cant grab the methane back from the air and put it into the ground.

    The release of methane and other ancient CO2 from the permafrost will catapult us past other tipping points like a BOE as well.

    It’s not fatalistic, it’s realistic. The IPCC has warned of this stuff for years and people still believe renewables are going to allow us to skirt the worst of climate change when it’s already locked in lol.

  • Not like it even matters at this point. There’s a decades long lag time on CO2 emissions so even if we completely stop today the planet will continue warming for decades.

    Not to mention the arctic circle is a literal ticking time bomb that will blow long before the anyways. Methane is literally blasting out from the ground leaving giant craters behind. Methane is 28 times more potent than CO2 when it comes to trapping heat in the atmosphere.

    Just look at how countries around the world combatted COVID. Climate catastrophe is going to be magnitudes worse than that and people are still sticking their heads in the sand.

  • Yeah it’s definitely life changing. The public sentiment over the last couple of years has gone from

    “wow Elon musk is a genius who will electrify the world and get us to mars”


    “Wow Elon Musk is a massive moron who clearly isn’t anywhere near as smart as he thinks he is”

    and the more he spreads right wing conspiracy shit the worse it’s getting for him.

    Let’s not even talk about the public image but the private one now- he borrowed something like $20b? from several banks to make the deal who are now saddled with the debt. They have also been discussing (publicly) selling it at a loss because they’re done with Elon. Other banks will not lend him money, ESPECIALLY with interest rates being what they are and what he’s done this last year. The time of free money (which is how he built all of his companies) and unlimited government subsidies is done and that’s the only way he’s been successful- when there’s virtually no risk.

    He cannot pay his interest payments because he’s only rich on paper. He’s likely cash poor and hasn’t even been paying normal Twitter bills let alone interest payments for his $20b loan, which IIRC gains like a billion in interest every year. Dude dug himself into a hole with no way out

  • You’ve never heard of people reporting others taking bad about their company on social media? Even if it’s under a broad context and no name drops people have gotten fired.

    Most people don’t realize just how much of their life is shared on social media and are fine with accepting any and all friend/follow requests from coworkers who are friendly enough and not weird.