• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • For certain projects I monetize, there are reasons I don't share the code.

    Patents don't magically find people infringing your intellectual property. The owness is on you.

    That being said, I have bills to pay, and mouths to feed. Giving my solutions away for free, doesn't help those issues.

  • Lets say, you work somewhere, that does, say… https decryption and/or logs stuff… or the firewall just blocks stuff in general.

    And, you want to say, access that stuff.

    Well, you can route your web traffic through a ssh connection, instead of it going out the traditional path. This allows you to bypass content filtering, etc.

    Its, essentially like having a VPN tunnel, routing your traffic. Amazing feature.

  • I cannot confirm, nor deny.

    But, I will say, once upon a time, before the days of netflix, if you wanted to watch things, you needed to spend a fuckload of money, to watch it on cable, with commercials every 10 minutes… or, you drove to a blockbuster. So, you either did that, or you obtained the movie/tv/etc, via a torrent.

    Then, netflix came along, gave you a ton of content, at a reasonable price. And- then, there wasn't really much of an advantage to obtaining media via other alternative means. So, netflix took over by storm, and piracy went way down.

    Then, everyone wanted a piece of the action. So, then Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney Plus, HBO+, ESPN+, (And insert 50 other network-specific streaming services) jumped into the fray. Then, they all made exclusive streaming contracts. So, if you watch a handful of things, you would need a handful of streaming service subscriptions.

    And- again, the alternative option of piracy, became the better option, as you can watch whatever the f- you want, WHENever you want, without having to pay for 50 different subscriptions every month, just to watch a TV series, which they decide to cancel after the 2nd season.

    Do you justify?

    If the fucking scumbags didn't get greedy in the first place, we wouldn't be in this situation. But, no, everyone wanted an extremely generous piece of the pie, and now everything has went to shit again. Fuck those guys. Isn't like the actual actors/writers staring in movies gets any of the money anyways.

  • First of all, before anyone gets excited, I get coffee from starbucks extremely rarely. A couple times a year tops.

    That being said, I am not a supporter of starbucks.

    Ok, now, my main point- For everyone in here just saying the coffee tastes like shit, Try to be more productive towards the conversation. The coffee tastes bad, is an obvious fallacy, as nearly 40 MILLION people drink their coffee. If the coffee tastes like shit, then don't order a oat milk vanilla pumpkin spice chai latte.

    The conversation is around starbucks trying to bust up unions.

    Saying- the coffee tastes like shit (when 40 million people drinks it), is not productive towards the conversation, and does nothing to assist with the conversation of starbucks being anti-human, anti-union, and treating their workers like slaves.