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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • “generally speaking” as in “I pulled this stat out of my ass”

    Calling you a russian bot isn’t exactly a liberal policy, is it?

    If your reasoning for determining someone is “a lib” is saying that, then that’s exactly how you’re using the term.

    The fact you immediately assumed I was a capitalist is a pretty compelling argument that you’re not good at determining people’s ideologies based on their unrelated complaints about your bad takes

  • xortoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldAh, memories...
    13 days ago

    Or - get this - it’s because I’m from a country where having more guns than citizens isn’t considered normal.

    Children aren’t old enough to vote, why the fuck would you think it’s a good idea to give them easy access to ranged, deadly weapons?

    “Gunphobic” is an absurd term, because a phobia implies an irrational fear, so fearing misuse of objects explicitly created for killing things isn’t exactly a “phobia” so much as it is a legitimate concern for the country with the 2nd highest rate of firearm homicides per capita on the planet.

    In my country, we don’t do “school shooting drills”. We don’t need to.

  • xortomemes@lemmy.worldobligatory bear post
    62 months ago

    I would add though, that (a) those statistics do exclude non-violent sexual harassment (which is more likely from strangers), and (b) that sexual violence is massively underreported, especially when the perpetrator is unknown, since the chances of anything being able to be done about it are extremely low

  • xortomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    12 months ago

    I clearly said: it’s not targeted at you specifically, but at that fact that women are disproportionately more likely to be harassed or assaulted, and when that happens, the aggressor is almost exclusively men.

    They’re not scared of you because you’re personally scary, they’re scared of you because there’s an ingrained culture of sexual harassment of women by men. So when you say “that’s a nice dress” to a woman you don’t know, she’s not thinking “aww cute”, she’s thinking “is this guy being nice, or will they threaten me if I turn them down?”

    Seriously, ask literally any woman you know if they’ve ever been sexually harassed, and the answer is almost guaranteed to be yes.

    I would 100% pick a Catholic priest

    Yes, I know that, that’s how hyperbole works. My point is that such a statement shouldn’t be interpreted as “every priest is a child molester” but as “there’s a concerningly high rate of them, and they’re probably not a good option for childcare.”

    You are accusing everyone

    When did I say “all men are <whatever you’re saying I’m accusing all men of>?” Stop making this about you, and actually try to understand why interactions with men can be terrifying for women.

  • xortomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    2 months ago

    But it doesn’t say you personally are unsafe, it says that the odds that a man chosen at random is unsafe is high enough that women - understandably - fear being left alone with a random stranger to a level at least comparable with being left alone with a bear.

    An enormous number of men fail to understand just how common and how terrifying it is for women to be harassed, assaulted and raped by men. And that is exactly what the bear/man hyperbole is pointing out.

    And the reason people with takes like yours get chewed out for it is because you could do some reflection and consider

    what is this systemic issue, what behaviours might make women around me scared, what can we as a society do to change this, and what can I do to avoid women around me fearing I may be unsafe?

    But instead, they take it as a personal attack, and so respond

    why am I being attacked for someone else’s behaviour?

    Edit: here’s another example in a similar format to demonstrate how the meme is being misinterpreted, note how your first response wouldn’t be “why are you accusing all priests?!”

    “Who would you rather babysit your child, a bear or a Catholic priest?”

  • If you’re whistleblowing with information not otherwise in the public domain, I’d suggest contacting wikileaks or a trustworthy independent media outlet.

    The Guardian, for example, has the securedrop platform at theguardian.securedrop.tor.onion.

    If you just have an opinion to express, the local authority probably isn’t really that interested in trying to compromise the encryption on your web traffic, unless they’re extremely authoritarian. A standard VPN and a burner account should be sufficient to keep your anonymity.

  • Unless you’re trying to mask your identity from your ISP, instance or government, I don’t really see how tor is useful here, given that you’re presumably posting on the clearweb anyway.

    It’s hard to give specific useful advice, because you’re so vague about what you’re trying to post, and who you want anonymity from. If it’s just other users on lemmy, don’t bother using tor, just create a burner account and access it normally via the web.

    Unsurprisingly, instances aren’t super keen on letting users access their platform via tor since it’s an effective method of ban evasion, and thus people will mostly be using it to post awful things they didn’t want in the first place.