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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • The problem is that she then pairs those statements with the exact same rhetoric that Netanyahu and Biden use obfuscate the genocide campaign (“will always defend Israel’s right to defend, yadda yadda yadda”). I appreciate that some of her language is a tiny bit better than Biden, but that just not enough. She has to show some of this ‘leadership’ quality that the DNC keeps bragging about. There must be some policy shift proposed. Otherwise her language is about as meaningless as trump’s empty claims that he’ll end the war in Ukraine as president elect.

  • Honestly, how else do you suggest people exert influence over leadership in a democracy? The ‘campaign’ is an inconvenient time to debate these issues. Then, it will be ‘too early’ in her administration to debate these issues (why don’t we just give her a chance after-all!). Then it will be, ‘the electorate spoke when they voted her in. If you didn’t want this, why did you vote for her?’ Then it will be campaign time again.

    If her position is an existential threat to her electability, then she is making a huge political mistake by taking this stance and you should call her out for endangering American democracy. If it isn’t, what are you complaining about?

  • Biden and Harris might be negotiating, but Israel is not. For Biden and Harris to willfully misrepresent that fact is mostly where I base my claims about negotiations being a stalling tactic.

    Biden and Harris have done nothing to distance themselves from Netanyahu. If anything, Harris doubled down on her support for his administration in her DNC speech.

    Aid into Gaza has been pathetically inadequate. Given that the US is the power broker in this region, it’s difficult to argue that this isn’t intentional.

    trump is a monster. No argument there.

    I don’t think that Biden and Harris are ‘psychopathic narcissists’. I do think that Biden is ideologically bound to supporting Israel’s racist apartheid goals. I’ve been hoping for meaningful signs that Harris is different than him, but her DNC speech was a clear attempt to align herself with his policies. So, that’s disheartening.

    I agree that voting for Harris is harm reduction and that given the options, that course gives us the possibility of influence whereas the alternative prevents that. However, pressure needs to be applied to Harris or nothing will change. Pressure during the election has more efficacy than afterward. If her stance on this is actually enough to deny her the win, then she is making a huge political mistake by ‘cozying up’ to a genocide policy.

    I base my ‘intentional distraction’ claim on almost a year of toothless rhetoric from Biden, preceded by decades of similar obfuscations from administration after administration.

  • It’s not easy, actually, to kill or cleanse millions of people while maintaining some semblance of legitimacy in the international community.

    Leaders don’t craft their ideologies on what they believe Americans will ‘get behind’. Leaders will attempt to steer Americans to the right position. Harris and this community are all proud of what a righteous leader she’s supposed to be. I’m just holding her to the standard set by her own rhetoric.

  • I’m sure Palestinians really appreciate Biden and Harris’ sympathies as they are misted by the bombs they sent over that were guided by the intelligence they provided.

    All the talk about ceasefire negotiations is an intentional distraction. Israel isn’t participating in negotiations as evidenced by the fact that they assassinated the main Hamas guy running negotiations.

    Claiming that opposition to Harris’ terrible policy position is somehow supportive of trump is dishonest and misleading. That attitude is a big reason why we keep electing such terrible leaders.

    trumps Logan Act violations should be prosecuted, absolutely, just like Biden’s violations of the Leahy Law should be prosecuted.

  • Oh, listen people. We can’t stop providing aid, or selling arms, or providing intelligence and logistical support, or political cover in the international community or sending carrier group after carrier group in to threaten their neighbors, or else we might lose leverage over them. In short, you’re saying we have to do everything possible to enable their crimes, or we might lose the ability to influence their criminal behavior. Please examine how absurd that sounds. The dynamic you’re describing makes this sound vastly more complex than it is. This approach is frequently used by those on power to absolve themselves from responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Furthermore, if economic pressure doesn’t work, I guess we can go ahead and open up Russia trade again. Right?