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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I don’t think her decision to take the deal took into account whether jury nullification exists or not. The way you explained it sounds like retrocausality, though I don’t know if that’s the way you meant it.

    Jury nullification isn’t about fair outcomes, I should clarify, but about whether the law itself is lawful, representative of the people, or applied lawfully. Maybe that fits into the definition of fair I had in mind, but I was thinking on it more objectively, not subjectively.

    There are proponents and opponents within the United States, true, but if a legal system does not permit punishment of jurors, then jury nullification is a logical byproduct of the system. And an important one I would argue. It fits into why trials by jury are important in a democratic legal system - the people have the final say, whether they realize it or not.

  • I’m not familiar with creating fonts specifically, but you’ll want to commit any resources necessary to recreate the font file, including any build scripts to help ease the process and instructions specifying compatible versions of tooling (FontForge in this case). Don’t include FontForge in the repository, of course.

    The compiled font files should be under releases in GitHub for the repository.

    Git isn’t generally meant for binary resources but as long as they’re not too large, they’ll be fine. You just may not have meaningful ways to compare changes easily.